

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.toolbaritems

UITableView sticky footer / custom toolbar implementation


sendButton.titleLabel.text @ Send sendButton.backgroundColor UIColor greenColor add objects into navigation controller self.toolbarItems NSArray arrayWithObjects UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView inputField UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView..

Add toolbar to UITableViewController


target self action @selector searchStuff nil toolbarItems makeObjectsPerformSelector @selector release self.toolbarItems toolbarItems self.navigationController.toolbarHidden NO return self You can also use setToolbarItems animated instead of..

Why isn't viewWillDisappear or viewDidAppear being called?


on the stack. In one case I push another UITableView that needs a toolbar. So on that 2nd tableView's init I setup the self.toolbarItems property with the correct items. But then I need to call self.navigationController setToolbarHidden NO animated YES So it..

How to add a UIToolbar to a UITableViewController programmatically?


Where is the memory leak in my UITableViewController?


alloc initWithTitle @ Done style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target self action @selector btnDone self.toolbarItems nil self.toolbarItems NSArray arrayWithObjects saveItem doneItem nil saveItem release doneItem release void viewDidAppear.. @ Done style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target self action @selector btnDone self.toolbarItems nil self.toolbarItems NSArray arrayWithObjects saveItem doneItem nil saveItem release doneItem release void viewDidAppear BOOL animated super..