

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.value

UISlider how to set the initial value


quantitiesSLider.maximumValue listOfValues count 1 quantitiesSLider.minimumValue 0 quantitiesSLider.value self.value void initListOfValues listOfValues NSMutableArray alloc initWithCapacity 10 int j 0 for float i minValue i maxValue increment..

In Objective-C Determine if a Property is an int, float, double, NSString, NSDate, NSNumber, etc


else attribute NULL if attribute NULL else if strcmp attribute @ NSDate 0 object setValue NSDate convertToDate self.value forKey element else if strcmp attribute @ NSString 0 object setValue NSString convertToString self.value forKey element.. convertToDate self.value forKey element else if strcmp attribute @ NSString 0 object setValue NSString convertToString self.value forKey element else if strcmp attribute @ NSNumber 0 object setValue NSNumber convertToNumber self.value forKey element.. self.value forKey element else if strcmp attribute @ NSNumber 0 object setValue NSNumber convertToNumber self.value forKey element I have looked through the class_getProperty and property_getAttributes however I am still not sure how to..

What are Setters and Getters?


something like @implementation b @synthesize value id initWithValue NSString newValue if self super init return nil self.value newValue return self @end Which you could then call like b test b alloc initWithValue @ Test NSLog @ @ test.value share..

Why NSUserDefaults failed to save NSMutableDictionary in iPhone SDK?
