

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.view.backgroundcolor

Round corners on UITableView


setting the frame size and origin. My loadView class of my custom UIView looks like this self.view UIView alloc init self.view.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor CustomUIViewClass scherm CustomUIViewClass alloc init CGRect frame frame.origin.x 10 frame.origin.y 50..

Display clearColor UIViewController over UIViewController


vc animated NO SecondViewController.m void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.view.opaque YES self.view.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor RESOLVED I fixed the issues. It is working so well for both of iPhone and iPad. Modal View Controller..

Button color in Navigation bar - iPhone


@ bg_table.png retain self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem addButton self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton TRUE self.view.backgroundColor UIColor blackColor return self iphone uinavigationbar share improve this question It is not possible without your custom..

iPhone Fixed-Position UITableView Background


app without the use of Interface Builder. I have set the background of a grouped UITableView in the following manor self.view.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithPatternImage UIImage imageNamed @ groupedBackground.png I'm trying to fix this background image so that..

How to set background image of a view?


NSString imageName int aRandomNumber arc4random 10 imageName NSString stringWithFormat @ g d.jpg aRandomNumber self.view.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithPatternImage UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile NSBundle mainBundle resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent.. it with UIView UIImageView I found initWithHue saturation brightness alpha in the documentation but it's not working self.view.backgroundColor UIColor alloc initWithHue 0.0 saturation 1.0 brightness 1.0 alpha 1.0 Please Help A friend suggested........ self.view.backgroundColor.. UIColor alloc initWithHue 0.0 saturation 1.0 brightness 1.0 alpha 1.0 Please Help A friend suggested........ self.view.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithPatternImage UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile NSBundle mainBundle resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent..

UITextField subview of UITableViewCell to become first responder?


the hiddenTextField to become first responder hiddenTextField becomeFirstResponder Background for a grouped tableview self.view.backgroundColor UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor void viewDidAppear BOOL animated super viewDidAppear animated Now the the UITableViewCells..

Hiding master view in split view app..?


CGRectZero autorelease self.view.autoresizingMask UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth self.view.backgroundColor UIColor redColor @end @implementation AppDelegate @synthesize window navigationController void click id sender overlayController.view..

Received memory warning. Level=1 when showing a UIImagePickerController


code from my viewDidLoad where I set things up void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad Set card table green felt background self.view.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithPatternImage UIImage imageNamed @ green_felt_bg.jpg Init UIImagePickerController Instantiate a UIImagePickerController..

iPad (very) simple drawing


I have so far but all it's displaying right now is morse code like dots and lines. void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.view.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor NSArray paths NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains NSDocumentDirectory NSUserDomainMask YES NSString..

How to preserve image transparency when using colorWithPatternImage:


I have an image prepared with transparency like this With two UIviews I configure the background colors as so self.view.backgroundColor UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor self.dashedView.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithPatternImage UIImage imageNamed @..

Round two corners in UIView


mask layer as mask of the view layer self.view.layer.mask layerMask Add a backaground color just to check if it works self.view.backgroundColor UIColor redColor Add a test view to verify the correct mask clipping UIView testView UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake.. maskFrame set the mask self.view.layer.mask maskLayer Add a backaground color just to check if it works self.view.backgroundColor UIColor redColor Add a test view to verify the correct mask clipping UIView testView UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake..

set background image for entire iPhone / iPad app


accomplish this iphone objective c ipad share improve this question Here's how you set a background to an image self.view.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithPatternImage UIImage imageNamed @ Background.png Edit To write up what Felixyz said and thanks to Manni..

Displaying an EAGLView with transparent background on a UIImageView


UIViewController no need to edit or subclass EAGLView GLKView self.view.opaque NO NB Apple DELETES THIS VALUE FROM NIB self.view.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor Optional you can do this in NIB instead You can set the background Color in the NIB but you CANNOT set..

How to fill background image of an UIView


to fill background image of an UIView i have an uiview and i set a background image in this way self.view.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithPatternImage UIImage imageNamed @ sfond appz.png My problem is that back image is not centered inside the..