

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.textfield

How to change the size of the labels on a UITableViewCellStyleValue2 cell? (UITableView iPhone)


I'm using a UITableViewCellStyleValue2 cell in my UITableView in my app and I want the left column the blue text self.textField to be much narrower than the default. I've tried setting the self.textField.bounds after creating the cell but this doesn't.. and I want the left column the blue text self.textField to be much narrower than the default. I've tried setting the self.textField.bounds after creating the cell but this doesn't seem to work looking in the debugger it appears the bounds haven't been..

Re-Apply currency formatting to a UITextField on a change event


CGFloat width bounds.size.width PADDING 2 CGFloat height 30.0f CGRect frame CGRectMake PADDING PADDING width height self.textField UITextField alloc initWithFrame frame _textField.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor _textField.contentVerticalAlignment.. ... self textField _textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange NSMakeRange 0 0 replacementString @ 0 void viewDidUnload self.textField nil super viewDidUnload This is the code in the UITextFieldDelegate method textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange replacementString..

Keyboard Animation Issues When Calling becomeFirstResponder within a Modal View Controller


there is absolutely no UI lag and the modal view controller animates instantly. Interestingly if I do something like self.textField performSelector @selector becomeFirstResponder withObject nil afterDelay 0.0001 then the animation of the keyboard happens..

Hiding/ Showing UIPickerView


touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event UITouch touch event allTouches anyObject if CGRectContainsPoint self.textField frame touch locationInView self.view NSString error @ Touched the TextField UIAlertView errorAlert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle..

iPhone keyboard, Done button and resignFirstResponder


TextFieldTestViewController.h @implementation TextFieldTestViewController @synthesize textField void viewDidLoad self.textField setDelegate self self.textField setReturnKeyType UIReturnKeyDone self.textField addTarget self action @selector textFieldFinished.. @implementation TextFieldTestViewController @synthesize textField void viewDidLoad self.textField setDelegate self self.textField setReturnKeyType UIReturnKeyDone self.textField addTarget self action @selector textFieldFinished forControlEvents UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit.. @synthesize textField void viewDidLoad self.textField setDelegate self self.textField setReturnKeyType UIReturnKeyDone self.textField addTarget self action @selector textFieldFinished forControlEvents UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit super viewDidLoad..

Warning: UIKit should not be called from a secondary thread


pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init Need to get the string from the textField to send to server NSString myString self.textField.text Do some stuff here connect to web server etc.. pool release On the row where I use self.textField I get a warning in.. myString self.textField.text Do some stuff here connect to web server etc.. pool release On the row where I use self.textField I get a warning in console saying void _WebThreadLockFromAnyThread bool 0x5d306b0 Obtaining the web lock from a thread other.. the value is the only thing you can do NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector sendStuff toTarget self withObject self.textField.text void sendStuff NSString myString NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init Do someting with myString pool..

Load all cells in UITableView before scrolling


UIPickerView pickerView didSelectRow NSInteger row inComponent NSInteger component switch tagValues case 105 self.textField self.fields objectAtIndex 3 self.textField.text self.reminder objectAtIndex row break case 107 Crash occurring in this.. NSInteger row inComponent NSInteger component switch tagValues case 105 self.textField self.fields objectAtIndex 3 self.textField.text self.reminder objectAtIndex row break case 107 Crash occurring in this case sometimes its working wonder why self.textField.. self.reminder objectAtIndex row break case 107 Crash occurring in this case sometimes its working wonder why self.textField self.fields objectAtIndex 5 self.textField.text self.group objectAtIndex row break Note I am using the same textField for..