

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.timesincelastspawn

How to draw a line inside the fish movement (OpenGLES in iPhone)?


by using GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP . The fish images are always in moving. Here is my sample code void update if Test NO self.timeSinceLastSpawn self.timeSinceLastUpdate if self.timeSinceLastSpawn 2.0 self.timeSinceLastSpawn 0 self target add fish image for SGGSprite.. always in moving. Here is my sample code void update if Test NO self.timeSinceLastSpawn self.timeSinceLastUpdate if self.timeSinceLastSpawn 2.0 self.timeSinceLastSpawn 0 self target add fish image for SGGSprite sprite in self.children sprite update self.timeSinceLastUpdate.. sample code void update if Test NO self.timeSinceLastSpawn self.timeSinceLastUpdate if self.timeSinceLastSpawn 2.0 self.timeSinceLastSpawn 0 self target add fish image for SGGSprite sprite in self.children sprite update self.timeSinceLastUpdate void target..