

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.text

Is it possible to alter the letter-spacing/kerning of a font with Cocoa Touch?


self.font.pointSize self.frame.size.height self.font.pointSize 2 2 CGContextShowTextAtPoint context 0 centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.text length CGPoint v CGContextGetTextPosition context calculate width and.. 2 2 CGContextShowTextAtPoint context 0 centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.text length CGPoint v CGContextGetTextPosition context calculate width and draw second one. float width v.x p.x float destX 0.. if self textAlignment UITextAlignmentRight destX self.frame.size.width width CGContextSetFillColorWithColor context self.textColor CGColor CGContextShowTextAtPoint context destX centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.text..

WebCore crashing in NSOperationQueue operation


return self void calculateCommentsHeight NSString combinedComment NSString stringWithFormat @ @ @ self.username self.text CGFloat desiredHeight combinedComment sizeWithFont UIFont fontWithName @ HelveticaNeue size 14 constrainedToSize CGSizeMake..

How do I add a gradient to the text of a UILabel, but not the background?


context kCGTextClip CGContextSetTextPosition context 0.0f round 20.0f 4.0f CGContextShowText context self.text UTF8String strlen self.text UTF8String CGContextClip context CGGradientRef gradient CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorspace size_t.. CGContextSetTextPosition context 0.0f round 20.0f 4.0f CGContextShowText context self.text UTF8String strlen self.text UTF8String CGContextClip context CGGradientRef gradient CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorspace size_t num_locations 2 CGFloat locations..

Enable copy and paste on UITextField without making it editable


YES return YES return NO void copy id sender UIPasteboard board UIPasteboard generalPasteboard board setString self.text self.highlighted NO self resignFirstResponder void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event if self isFirstResponder..

How to change an UILabel/UIFont's letter spacing?


self.font.pointSize self.frame.size.height self.font.pointSize 2 2 CGContextShowTextAtPoint context 0 centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.text length CGPoint v CGContextGetTextPosition context calculate width and.. 2 2 CGContextShowTextAtPoint context 0 centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.text length CGPoint v CGContextGetTextPosition context calculate width and draw second one. float width v.x p.x float centeredX.. second one. float width v.x p.x float centeredX self.frame.size.width width 2 CGContextSetFillColorWithColor context self.textColor CGColor CGContextShowTextAtPoint context centeredX centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.text..

Recreate recipient bubble behaviour in Mail.app / Three20


CGRect myRect CGRectMake 0.0f 0.0f SIDELENGTH SIDELENGTH UIRectFill myRect self.color set Drawing code CGSize textSize self.text sizeWithFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize UIFont systemFontSize double capDiameter textSize.height double capRadius capDiameter.. CGRectMake badgeBounds.origin.x capRadius badgeBounds.origin.y badgeBounds.size.width capDiameter capDiameter if self.textColor nil const CGFloat colors CGColorGetComponents self.textColor.CGColor CGColorSpaceRef space CGColorGetColorSpace self.textColor.CGColor.. badgeBounds.size.width capDiameter capDiameter if self.textColor nil const CGFloat colors CGColorGetComponents self.textColor.CGColor CGColorSpaceRef space CGColorGetColorSpace self.textColor.CGColor CGColorSpaceModel model CGColorSpaceGetModel..

objects conforming to nscoding will not writetofile


decoder decodeObjectForKey @ questionId self.questionRevision decoder decodeObjectForKey @ questionRevision self.text decoder decodeObjectForKey @ text self.date decoder decodeObjectForKey @ date self.answers decoder decodeObjectForKey @.. NSCoder decoder self super initWithCoder decoder self super init self.owner decoder decodeObjectForKey @ owner self.text decoder decodeObjectForKey @ text self.date decoder decodeObjectForKey @ date @end Owner.h #import Foundation Foundation.h..

keyboard in UIActionSheet does not type anything


move text field to same position as on action sheet textField.frame frame textField becomeFirstResponder void dealloc self.text nil super dealloc #pragma mark #pragma mark UIActionSheetDelegate #pragma mark User pressed button. Retrieve results void.. sharedApplication .keyWindow UITextField textField UITextField appWindow viewWithTag TEXT_FIELD_TAG if textField nil self.text textField.text self.index buttonIndex CFRunLoopStop currentLoop #pragma mark #pragma mark UITextFieldDelegate #pragma mark.. appWindow viewWithTag ACTION_SHEET_TAG if actionSheet nil actionSheet dismissWithClickedButtonIndex 0 animated YES self.text textField.text self.index 0 CFRunLoopStop currentLoop textField resignFirstResponder return hasSomeText @end @implementation..