

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.view.center

Programmatically Centering UIViews


in the simplest of cases. Any insight is greatly appreciated. EDIT 1 With the addition of the following line of code self.view.center self.view.superview.center The subview's center point becomes the 0 0 coordinate of the superview. Perhaps I haven't set.. If you do these then the view stays centered automatically. EDIT #1 Answering your edit you can't do self.view.center self.view.superview.center Unless your view has been added as a subview of another view anotherView addSubview self.view..

iPhone Landscape-Only Utility-Template Application


kScreenHeight 2.0 kScreenWidth 2.0 Set the center point of the view to the center point of the window's content area. self.view.center center Rotate the view 90 degrees around its new center point. transform CGAffineTransformRotate transform M_PI 2.0 self.view.transform..

(Scale) Zoom into a UIView at a point


self.view.transform 2 2 UIView animateWithDuration 2.5 delay 0 options 0 animations ^ self.view.transform tr self.view.center CGPointMake 480 0 completion ^ BOOL finished iphone ios core animation quartz graphics cgaffinetransform share improve.. h self.view.frame.size.height UIView animateWithDuration 2.5 delay 0 options 0 animations ^ self.view.transform tr self.view.center CGPointMake 0 h completion ^ BOOL finished This will set the center of the blown up view to the left bottom corner effectively.. w self.view.frame.size.width UIView animateWithDuration 2.5 delay 0 options 0 animations ^ self.view.transform tr self.view.center CGPointMake w w s 2 h s 2 completion ^ BOOL finished To make it work for bottom left use this CGFloat s 3 CGAffineTransform..

Rotate image on center using one finger touch


0 0 200 200 m_block UIView alloc initWithFrame blockFrame m_block.backgroundColor UIColor greenColor m_block.center self.view.center self.view addSubview m_block m_block release CGRect labelFrame CGRectMake 0 0 320 30 m_label UILabel alloc initWithFrame..

iPhone + CGAffineTransFormRotate(pi/2) + statusBarHidden:YES + presentModalViewController = 20 pixels of white space


may need to recenter your center Set the center point of the view to the center point of the window's content area. self.view.center CGPointMake 160.0 240.0 This is the whole init method I use for landscape views and works without an issue. Just make sure.. transform self.view.transform Set the center point of the view to the center point of the window's content area. self.view.center CGPointMake 160.0 240.0 Rotate the view 90 degrees around its new center point. transform CGAffineTransformRotate transform..

How to remove view and redraw it


2.0 CGFloat y self.view.bounds.size.height 2.0 CGPoint center CGPointMake y x set the new center point self.view.center center CGAffineTransform transform self.view.transform transform CGAffineTransformRotate transform M_PI 2.0 self.view.transform..

Xcode/iOS5: Move UIView up, when keyboard appears


just change its center . First keep the original one in a CGPoint property. void viewDidLoad ... self.originalCenter self.view.center ... Then change as needed when keyboard shows up self.view.center CGPointMake self.originalCenter.x new calculated y Finally.. property. void viewDidLoad ... self.originalCenter self.view.center ... Then change as needed when keyboard shows up self.view.center CGPointMake self.originalCenter.x new calculated y Finally restore it when keyboard is hidden self.view.center self.originalCenter.. up self.view.center CGPointMake self.originalCenter.x new calculated y Finally restore it when keyboard is hidden self.view.center self.originalCenter Add animation sugar as you wish You have more than one way to know when the keyboard appears. Observing..

Cant Get the activity indicator to show on iPhone app


UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray activityIndicator.frame CGRectMake 0.0 0.0 40.0 40.0 activityIndicator.center self.view.center self.view.window addSubview activityIndicator And right after the scrollview is added I have self.view addSubview scrollView.. UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge indicatorView.frame CGRectMake 40.0 20.0 60.0 60.0 indicatorView.center self.view.center self.view addSubview indicatorView UIApplication sharedApplication .networkActivityIndicatorVisible YES indicatorView startAnimating..