

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.view.bounds

UIPageViewController returns no Gesture Recognizers in iOS 6


action @selector g1Tap autorelease self.view addGestureRecognizer s1 UIView anotherView UIView alloc initWithFrame self.view.bounds autorelease self.view addSubview anotherView UIPanGestureRecognizer g2 UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self..

Drag UIView around Shape Comprised of CGMutablePaths


draw a nice figure 8. Figuring out what I'm doing is left as an exercise for the reader void createPath CGRect bounds self.view.bounds CGFloat const radius bounds.size.height 6 CGFloat const offset 2 radius M_SQRT1_2 CGPoint const topCenter CGPointMake CGRectGetMidX.. also need to update the path layer. Brace yourself void layoutPathLayer pathLayer_.path path_.CGPath pathLayer_.frame self.view.bounds Now we can worry about dragging the handle around and making sure it stays on the path. The pan gesture recognizer sends..

Force UIImagePickerController to take photo in portrait orientation/dimensions iOS


imagePickerImage UIImage image if image.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationUp self.imageView.bounds CGRectMake 0 0 self.view.bounds.size.height self.view.bounds.size.width self.imageView.transform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation M_PI 2 else if image.imageOrientation.. image if image.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationUp self.imageView.bounds CGRectMake 0 0 self.view.bounds.size.height self.view.bounds.size.width self.imageView.transform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation M_PI 2 else if image.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationDown.. M_PI 2 else if image.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationDown self.imageView.bounds CGRectMake 0 0 self.view.bounds.size.height self.view.bounds.size.width self.imageView.transform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation M_PI 2 else self.imageView.bounds..

Setting A CGContext Transparent Background


this as a very basic UIViewController void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad UIImageView v UIImageView alloc initWithFrame self.view.bounds v setBackgroundColor UIColor redColor self.view addSubview v TopView t TopView alloc initWithFrame self.view.bounds self.view..

Re-Apply currency formatting to a UITextField on a change event


easy enough anyway. void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad setup text field ... #define PADDING 10.0f const CGRect bounds self.view.bounds CGFloat width bounds.size.width PADDING 2 CGFloat height 30.0f CGRect frame CGRectMake PADDING PADDING width height self.textField..

IPhone/IPad: How to get screen width programmatically?


void didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation fromInterfaceOrientation CGFloat width CGRectGetWidth self.view.bounds If the view is not being auto rotated by the View Controller then you will need to check the interface orientation to determine..

Add animated Gif image in Iphone UIImageView


core animation share improve this question UIImageView animatedImageView UIImageView alloc initWithFrame self.view.bounds animatedImageView.animationImages NSArray arrayWithObjects UIImage imageNamed @ image1.gif UIImage imageNamed @ image2.gif..

UIDatePicker pop up after UIButton is pressed


self.view viewWithTag 11 removeFromSuperview void dismissDatePicker id sender CGRect toolbarTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 320 44 CGRect datePickerTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 44 320 216 UIView beginAnimations.. CGRect toolbarTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 320 44 CGRect datePickerTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 44 320 216 UIView beginAnimations @ MoveOut context nil self.view viewWithTag 9 .alpha 0 self.view viewWithTag.. commitAnimations IBAction callDP id sender if self.view viewWithTag 9 return CGRect toolbarTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 216 44 320 44 CGRect datePickerTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 216 320 216 UIView darkView..

Round two corners in UIView


void viewDidLoad Create the mask image you need calling the previous function UIImage mask MTDContextCreateRoundedMask self.view.bounds 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 Create a new layer that will work as a mask CALayer layerMask CALayer layer layerMask.frame self.view.bounds.. 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 Create a new layer that will work as a mask CALayer layerMask CALayer layer layerMask.frame self.view.bounds Put the mask image as content of the layer layerMask.contents id mask.CGImage set the mask layer as mask of the view layer.. radius 50.0 set the mask frame and increase the height by the corner radius to hide bottom corners CGRect maskFrame self.view.bounds maskFrame.size.height radius create the mask layer CALayer maskLayer CALayer layer maskLayer.cornerRadius radius maskLayer.backgroundColor..

how to enable text input in UITextField which is in UIActionSheet?


self CreateSlideOut self slidePopup super viewDidLoad void CreateSlideOut CGRect frame CGRectMake 0 CGRectGetMaxY self.view.bounds 320 480 backToOriginal frame popup UIView alloc initWithFrame frame popup.backgroundColor UIColor orangeColor self.view..

UITextView ruled line background but wrong line height


@implementation MyViewController @synthesize note void loadView super loadView self.note NoteView alloc initWithFrame self.view.bounds autorelease self.view addSubview note note.delegate self note.text @ This is the first line. nThis is the second line. nThis.. UIScrollView scrollView note setNeedsDisplay void textViewDidBeginEditing UITextView textView CGRect frame self.view.bounds frame.size.height KEYBOARD_HEIGHT note.frame frame void textViewDidEndEditing UITextView textView note.frame self.view.bounds.. frame.size.height KEYBOARD_HEIGHT note.frame frame void textViewDidEndEditing UITextView textView note.frame self.view.bounds void dealloc note release super dealloc Take a look at Apple's documentation for Managing the Keyboard specifically Moving..

interaction beyond bounds of uiview


Custom transition between two UIViews


of our view UIImageView imageView UIImageView alloc initWithImage image image is a snapshot of view A imageView.frame self.view.bounds self.view addSubview imageView self.view bringSubviewToFront imageView Pre transform our view s target current d target..

how to display test IAd banner in the simulator


else _bannerView.currentContentSizeIdentifier ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierLandscape CGRect contentFrame self.view.bounds CGRect bannerFrame _bannerView.frame if _bannerView.bannerLoaded contentFrame.size.height _bannerView.frame.size.height..