

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.urlstring

Downloading a Large File - iPhone SDK


@synthesize urlconnection @synthesize isDownloading void start self.isDownloading NO NSURL url NSURL URLWithString self.urlString if url NSString reason NSString stringWithFormat @ Could not create URL from string @ self.urlString DELEGATE_CALLBACK.. URLWithString self.urlString if url NSString reason NSString stringWithFormat @ Could not create URL from string @ self.urlString DELEGATE_CALLBACK dataDownloadFailed reason return NSMutableURLRequest theRequest NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL url.. url if theRequest NSString reason NSString stringWithFormat @ Could not create URL request from string @ self.urlString DELEGATE_CALLBACK dataDownloadFailed reason return self.urlconnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate..

Unicode strings in JSON string


you can force it with ASIHTTPRequest like ASIHTTPRequest request ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL NSURL URLWithString self.urlString request setResponseEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding If this doesn't help you might want to post the http headers produce them..