

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.superview

Drag Down UIView in iOS 5


touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event UITouch touch UITouch touches anyObject start touch locationInView self.superview .y if start 30 pulldownView.center.y 0 touch was not in upper area of view AND pulldownView not visible start 1 start is.. withEvent UIEvent event if start 0 return UITouch touch UITouch touches anyObject CGFloat now touch locationInView self.superview .y CGFloat diff now start directionUp diff 0 directionUp is a BOOL member of this view float nuCenterY pulldownView.center.y..

How to accept an invitation in Game Center


GCMultiplayerHelper sharedInstance findMatchWithMinPlayers 2 maxPlayers 2 viewController UIViewController self.superview nextResponder delegate self void findMatchWithMinPlayers int minPlayers maxPlayers int maxPlayers viewController UIViewController..

Reference from UITableViewCell to parent UITableView?


cell which you'd set in tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath of your table's dataSource. This is better because relying on self.superview to always be exactly the tableView is fragile. Who knows how Apple might re organize the view hierarchy of UITableView in..

How to rotate and resize the image view with single finger


and atan2 functions to solve the rotation problem like this float ang atan2 recognizer locationInView self.superview .y self.center.y recognizer locationInView self.superview .x self.center.x float angleDiff deltaAngle ang self.transform.. problem like this float ang atan2 recognizer locationInView self.superview .y self.center.y recognizer locationInView self.superview .x self.center.x float angleDiff deltaAngle ang self.transform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation angleDiff Third be sure to..

Custom CallOut not displayed correctly in ios6?


25 4 In same class CalloutMapAnnotationView.m. void didMoveToSuperview super didMoveToSuperview self.superview bringSubviewToFront self You can use directly the above classes and use them they work fine in both iOS 5 iOS 6. You should..

Dragging an UIView inside UIScrollView


NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event UITouch touch touches anyObject CGPoint location touch locationInView self.superview self.center location This works but not fully correct the tile sometimes falls down during the drag process. More precisely..

Z-ordering of MKAnnotationViews


which sounds like you already have you can try adding this void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event self.superview bringSubviewToFront self super touchesBegan touches withEvent event A side effect is that each time a marker is touched..

How to Check if Parallax is enabled


self if anything still in doubt and we're on a view then start the detection loop if self.parallaxHasOccurred self.superview add motion effects if they're not already attached attach both to the centre property if _effectGroup UIInterpolatingMotionEffect..

Implementing iphone's copy/paste controls on a custom view / uiview subclass


self is a large screen sized view you may need screen coords instead of local coords you can probably get that from self.superview I'd try making these adjustments to match the example first and see what kind of progress it gets me. share improve this..

What is the relationship between UIView's setNeedsLayout, layoutIfNeeded and layoutSubviews?


right now . Apple's implementation might look something like this void layoutIfNeeded if self._needsLayout UIView sv self.superview if sv._needsLayout sv layoutIfNeeded else self layoutSubviews You would call layoutIfNeeded on a view to force it and..

Setting anchor point for UIView layer


locationInView self New location is somewhere within the superview CGPoint locationInSuperview touch locationInView self.superview Set an anchorpoint that acts as starting point for the move Doesn't work self.layer.anchorPoint CGPointMake locationInView.x.. touches anyObject CGPoint locationInView touch locationInView self CGPoint locationInSuperview touch locationInView self.superview self.layer.anchorPoint CGPointMake locationInView.x self.frame.size.width locationInView.y self.frame.size.height self.center.. NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event UITouch touch touches anyObject CGPoint locationInSuperview touch locationInView self.superview self.center locationInSuperview More info on anchorPoint 's from apple's docs here and a similar SO question I referenced..

UIView drag (image and text)


NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event UITouch aTouch touches anyObject CGPoint location aTouch locationInView self.superview UIView beginAnimations @ Dragging A DraggableView context nil self.frame CGRectMake location.x location.y self.frame.size.width..

How to make a uiactionsheet dismiss when you tap outside eg above it?


self action @selector tapOut tap.cancelsTouchesInView NO So that legit taps on the table bubble up to the tableview self.superview addGestureRecognizer tap tap release The gist of it is to add a gesture recogniser to the action sheet's superview and test..

How do I make a MKAnnotationView touch sensitive?


hitView super hitTest point withEvent event if hitView nil ensure that the callout appears above all other views self.superview bringSubviewToFront self we tapped inside the callout if CGRectContainsPoint self.resultView.callButton.frame point hitView..

iPhone drag/drop
