

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.view.bounds.size.height

Force UIImagePickerController to take photo in portrait orientation/dimensions iOS


imagePickerImage UIImage image if image.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationUp self.imageView.bounds CGRectMake 0 0 self.view.bounds.size.height self.view.bounds.size.width self.imageView.transform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation M_PI 2 else if image.imageOrientation.. M_PI 2 else if image.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationDown self.imageView.bounds CGRectMake 0 0 self.view.bounds.size.height self.view.bounds.size.width self.imageView.transform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation M_PI 2 else self.imageView.bounds self.view.bounds..

programmatically screenshot works bad on iOS 7


app with facebook. I used this code to take the screenshot CGSize imageSize CGSizeMake self.view.bounds.size.width self.view.bounds.size.height UIGraphicsBeginImageContext imageSize self.view.layer renderInContext UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext UIImage viewImage UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext..

Laying out & sizing of subviews in a UIViewController


subviews within the viewDidLoad method. However it appears that within this method the view's current height is 460px self.view.bounds.size.height . So when setting up my subviews I cannot properly calculate the sizes of anything. Within the viewWillAppear method the..

After Animation, View position resets


animation setDelegate self animation.toValue NSValue valueWithCGPoint CGPointMake self.view.layer.position.x 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 2 animation.fromValue NSValue valueWithCGPoint self.view.layer.position animation.autoreverses NO animation.repeatCount..

how to fit pdf page in entire view


ctx CGSize aspectFitSize self getPageFitSizeOfSize pageSize inSize CGSizeMake self.view.bounds.size.width self.view.bounds.size.height __TOP_BRANDING_BAR_HEIGHT CGContextSetRGBFillColor ctx 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 CGContextFillRect ctx CGContextGetClipBoundingBox..

problem with rendering pdf on the entire screen of pdf


ctx CGSize aspectFitSize self getPageFitSizeOfSize pageSize inSize CGSizeMake self.view.bounds.size.width self.view.bounds.size.height __TOP_BRANDING_BAR_HEIGHT CGContextSetRGBFillColor ctx 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 CGContextFillRect ctx CGContextGetClipBoundingBox..

Animated transition doesn't work correctly in landscape orientation


DEGREES_TO_RADIANS 90 viewObject.transform cgCTM viewObject.bounds CGRectMake 0 0 self.view.bounds.size.width self.view.bounds.size.height MyViewController aViewController MyViewController alloc initWithNibName NSStringFromClass MyViewController class bundle..

UIDatePicker pop up after UIButton is pressed


self.view viewWithTag 11 removeFromSuperview void dismissDatePicker id sender CGRect toolbarTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 320 44 CGRect datePickerTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 44 320 216 UIView beginAnimations @ MoveOut.. CGRect toolbarTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 320 44 CGRect datePickerTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 44 320 216 UIView beginAnimations @ MoveOut context nil self.view viewWithTag 9 .alpha 0 self.view viewWithTag 10 .frame.. commitAnimations IBAction callDP id sender if self.view viewWithTag 9 return CGRect toolbarTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 216 44 320 44 CGRect datePickerTargetFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 216 320 216 UIView darkView UIView..

Moving an object randomly around the screen


YES CGFloat x CGFloat arc4random int self.view.bounds.size.width CGFloat y CGFloat arc4random int self.view.bounds.size.height CGPoint squarePostion CGPointMake x y button.center squarePostion UIView commitAnimations How can I get it to keep moving.. YES CGFloat x CGFloat arc4random int self.view.bounds.size.width CGFloat y CGFloat arc4random int self.view.bounds.size.height CGPoint squarePostion CGPointMake x y button.center squarePostion add UIView setAnimationDelegate self as suggested by @Carl..

Reporting incorrect bounds in landscape Mode


return YES In MyController void viewDidAppear BOOL animated super viewDidAppear animated NSLog @ Bounds Height f f self.view.bounds.size.height self.view.bounds.size.width I have also tried putting this in viewDidLoad with same results If I start the application while..

Why does viewWillAppear not get called when an app comes back from the background?


viewWillAppear BOOL animated super viewWillAppear animated NSLog @ viewWillAppear _sv.frame CGRectMake 0.0 0.0 320.0 self.view.bounds.size.height But it's not being called when the app returns to the foreground. I know that I can implement NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter..

Two views Multiple UIPickerViews Single outlet


self.landscapeView removeFromSuperview self.portraitView.center CGPointMake self.view.bounds.size.width 2 self.view.bounds.size.height 2 self.view addSubview self.portraitView else if self.portraitView.superview self.portraitView removeFromSuperview self.landscapeView.center.. self.portraitView removeFromSuperview self.landscapeView.center CGPointMake self.view.bounds.size.width 2 self.view.bounds.size.height 2 self.view addSubview self.landscapeView My landscape and portrait views were configured with no struts or springs in..

iPhone:DatePicker dd/mm/yyyy


target self action @selector dismissDatePicker UIToolbar toolBar UIToolbar alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 320 44 toolBar.tag 11 toolBar.barStyle UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent toolBar setItems NSArray arrayWithObjects spacer doneButton..