

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:49

iphone Programming Glossary: self.mytableview

Issue with deselectRowAtIndexPath in tableView


see which row had been used to navigate to that VC. void viewWillAppear BOOL animated super viewWillAppear animated self.myTableView deselectRowAtIndexPath myTableView indexPathForSelectedRow animated YES so remove deselectRow from your didSelectRowAtIndexPath..

Can't get scrollsToTop working on iOS7


Long press on UITableView


alloc initWithTarget self action @selector handleLongPress lpgr.minimumPressDuration 2.0 seconds lpgr.delegate self self.myTableView addGestureRecognizer lpgr lpgr release Then in the gesture handler void handleLongPress UILongPressGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer.. handler void handleLongPress UILongPressGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer CGPoint p gestureRecognizer locationInView self.myTableView NSIndexPath indexPath self.myTableView indexPathForRowAtPoint p if indexPath nil NSLog @ long press on table view but not.. gestureRecognizer CGPoint p gestureRecognizer locationInView self.myTableView NSIndexPath indexPath self.myTableView indexPathForRowAtPoint p if indexPath nil NSLog @ long press on table view but not on a row else NSLog @ long press on table..

select multiple rows from uitableview and delete


building up an array of indexPaths delete these rows from your data model then call with your preferred animation type self.myTableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths arrayOfIndexPathsToDelete withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop EDIT Here's my full didSelectRowAtIndexPath.. operation. void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if self.editing return self.myTableView deselectRowAtIndexPath indexPath animated YES NSNumber rowNsNum NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt indexPath.row if self.selectedRows..

Put a UIView into a UITableView Header


I connected to my controller which has the myTableView implemented . Then I can write in viewDidLoad in my controller self.myTableView setTableHeaderView self.myTableHeaderView where myTableViewHeader is a UIView property in the controller. Unfortunately..

Adding UISearchBar Programmatically to UITableView


of UITableView myTableView and connect it to you nib file. you just need to change in your VC file for example self to self.myTableView reloadData So now you can adjust the tableView and search bar in nib itself. UISearchDisplay controller has own search tableView..

XML Parsing in iPhone


@ text item setObject feedLink forKey @ link itemsOfFeed addObject item void parserDidEndDocument NSXMLParser parser self.myTableView reloadData for example reload table view self writeArrayToFile or write to a local property list in your header file NSMutableArray..