

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:50

iphone Programming Glossary: self.parentviewcontroller

Method for when the modal view has been dismissed


any action you wish essentially. Something like void viewWillDisappear BOOL animated super viewWillDisappear animated self.parentViewController doSomething If your parent view controller is a table view controller then you should be able to call self.parentViewController.tableView..

Is parentViewController always a Navigation controller?


user entered in the Modal View Controller. So I wrote some code like this which resides in the Modal View Controller self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES self.parentViewController doSomethingPleaseWithSomeData someData The update to page.. like this which resides in the Modal View Controller self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES self.parentViewController doSomethingPleaseWithSomeData someData The update to page 1 wasn't happening and it took me a long time to realize that..

Correct way of showing consecutive modalViews


BOOL animated super viewDidAppear animated _originalParentViewController release _originalParentViewController self.parentViewController retain if self.dismissButtonHidden UIBarButtonItem dismissButton UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithBarButtonSystemItem UIBarButtonSystemItemStop.. @selector modalViewControllerDidDismiss withObject self void dismissModalViewControllerAnimated BOOL animated return self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated animated void onDismiss id sender self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated.. BOOL animated return self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated animated void onDismiss id sender self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES void didReceiveMemoryWarning super didReceiveMemoryWarning void viewDidUnload super..

Is it possible to determine whether ViewController is presented as Modal?


UITableViewController for example in a base controller that my other controllers inherit of BOOL isModal BOOL isModal self.parentViewController self.parentViewController.modalViewController self or if I have a navigation controller check if its parent modal view.. example in a base controller that my other controllers inherit of BOOL isModal BOOL isModal self.parentViewController self.parentViewController.modalViewController self or if I have a navigation controller check if its parent modal view controller is self navigation..

How to move to First viewController from last View controller among multiple view controllers


is IBAction dismissAction id sender get your parent ie AboutViewController UIViewController parent self.parentViewController get its parent ie HomeViewController parent.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES There might be a..

Bottom pop-up UIPicker?


self.backgroundColor UIColorMakeRGBA 64 64 64 0.7f int show 0.7f if show self.datePickerView.frame startRect self.parentViewController addSubviewToWindow self UIView beginAnimations nil context nil UIView setAnimationDuration 0.3f UIView setAnimationDelegate..

dismissModalViewControllerAnimated not working


the actions into the MVC it does disapear. If I put the function in my MVC and call it from my viewController using self.parentViewController myFunction it does not disappear. How can I get it to disappear from my view I guess my explenation is quite messy but I.. it. A view from my IB Best regards Paul Peelen Edit I have tried this with self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES self.navigationController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES self.parentViewController.navigationController.. dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES self.navigationController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES self.parentViewController.navigationController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES and as stated with a function in the parentView dismissing it...

Unrecognized selector sent to instance


addController animated true navigationController release addController release IBAction cancel self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES iphone objective c share improve this question Because the cancel method is..

splitViewController with Two NavigationController linking protocols


follows NSLog NSString stringWithFormat @ @ self self DocumentDetailVC 0x4e0d960 NSLog NSString stringWithFormat @ @ self.parentViewController self.parentViewController UINavigationController 0x4e0ce30 NSLog NSString stringWithFormat @ @ self.parentViewController.parentViewController.. @ @ self self DocumentDetailVC 0x4e0d960 NSLog NSString stringWithFormat @ @ self.parentViewController self.parentViewController UINavigationController 0x4e0ce30 NSLog NSString stringWithFormat @ @ self.parentViewController.parentViewController self.parentViewController.parentViewController.. self.parentViewController UINavigationController 0x4e0ce30 NSLog NSString stringWithFormat @ @ self.parentViewController.parentViewController self.parentViewController.parentViewController UISplitViewController 0x4e0d0f0 Thank you for your assistance...

switching views in iphone


IBOutlet UIButton back IBAction back @end secondview.m #import secondview.h @implementation secondview IBAction back self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES void dealloc super dealloc @end iphone objective c cocoa touch share improve this..

dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: (and dismissViewControllerAnimated) crashing in iOS 5


defaultCenter postNotificationName @ CloseLoginWindow object nil doing it this way because calling on the self.parentViewController doesn't work Back in myViewController void viewDidLoad ... NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self selector..

How to pass object on modal view's dismissal


self.exerciseArray objectAtIndex selectedRowIndex.row objectForKey @ exerciseName UINavigationController nav self.parentViewController.navigationController RoutineDayTableViewController routineDayTableViewController RoutineDayTableViewController nav topViewController.. nav topViewController routineDayTableViewController.muscleURL self.muscleURL routineDayTableViewController addExercise self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES Hierarchy of VC RoutineDayTableViewController presents Modally MusclesTableViewController.. view controller hierarchy. This avoids the tight coupling which is happening in your example when you link back to self.parentViewController.navigationController . What happens if the parent view controller changes in the future or you want to resuse the selection..

Accessing parent view controller (custom) properties


subclass named HomeViewController I wrote my viewDidLoad method and tried to output to NSLog with both... NSLog @ @ self.parentViewController.venue.name and NSLog @ @ self.tabBarController.venue.name But XCode gives the error error request for member 'venue' in.. property from within MainViewController just fine so have ruled out an error there. The iPhone simulator does see both self.parentViewController and self.tabBarController as an instance of MainViewController. The line... NSLog @ @ self.tabBarController outputs... 2009.. to initialize the HomeViewController with a copy of the venue or am I just doing something completely wrong with 'self.parentViewController.venue.name' Thanks Rob objective c iphone share improve this question You're doing something completely wrong. parentViewController..