

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:49

iphone Programming Glossary: self.navigationitem.title

How to set a picture programmatically in a NavBar?


UIBarMetricsDefault Or you can set a view on your NavigationBar Link UINavigationBar appearance addSubview yourView or self.navigationItem.titleView YourView And set title using h self.navigationItem.title @ Your Title And you can get navigationBarButton using this.. Link UINavigationBar appearance addSubview yourView or self.navigationItem.titleView YourView And set title using h self.navigationItem.title @ Your Title And you can get navigationBarButton using this void getRightBarBtn UIButton Btn UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom..

self.title sets navigationController and tabBarItem's title? Why?


out Here's what I am doing self.title @ Title for TabBarItem TabBarItem.title inherits the viewController's self.title self.navigationItem.title @ Title for NavigationBar the navigationBar would inherit self.title unless otherwise set using self.navigationItem.title..

Core Data Relationships: How to insert a new object into an entity and create a relationship to an existing object in another entity


bundle nibBundleOrNil if self Custom initialization return self void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad Setup Nav Title self.navigationItem.title self.game valueForKey @ title Setup Player's Names self.playerOneName setText self.playerOne valueForKey @ name self.playerTwoName..

iPad title bars. Navbars or toolbars?


ipad share improve this question You can get this effect by putting a UIToolbar in your UINavigationItem like so self.navigationItem.title @ My Title UIToolbar tb UIToolbar alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 100 44 tb.items NSArray arrayWithObjects button1 button2..

In App Purchase Crashes on [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment]


target self action @selector closeButtonAction self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem closeButton self loadStore self.navigationItem.title @ Credits void closeButtonAction id sender self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES void buyButtonAction id sender if..

iPhone TableView Search XML


tmpArray tmpArray release Initialize the copy array. copyListOfItems NSMutableArray alloc init Set the title self.navigationItem.title @ Search Add the search bar self.tableView.tableHeaderView searchBar searchBar.autocorrectionType UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo..

Objective C Memory Management


seem to get the memory management code right. I have the following code Media myMedia self.myMediaManager getNextMedia self.navigationItem.title self.myMediaManager getCategory self.btnImage setImage myMedia.imageFile forState UIControlStateNormal self.lblImage setText..

self.tabBarItem.title not working?
