

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:50

iphone Programming Glossary: self.reminders

Retrieve all rows inserted in sqlite database and display in table view cells containing labels as subviews with different sections


@ SELECT FROM reminders NSLog @ Data @ querySQL const char query_stmt querySQL UTF8String if sqlite3_prepare_v2 self.remindersDB query_stmt 1 statement NULL SQLITE_OK if sqlite3_step statement SQLITE_ROW ID NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const.. initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 3 autorelease sqlite3_finalize statement sqlite3_close self.remindersDB array addObject ID array addObject nameField array addObject eventField array addObject dateField self.theTable reloadData.. reminders Also remember to set the reminders property to nil in your dealloc method to ensure proper memory cleanup self.reminders nil We will be using the Reminder class we created in the view controller so you need to also import your class so in the..