

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:50

iphone Programming Glossary: self.response

SDURLCache with AFNetworking and offline mode not working


Downloading a Large File - iPhone SDK


dataDownloadFailed reason return self.isDownloading YES Create the new data object self.data NSMutableData data self.response nil self.urlconnection scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSRunLoopCommonModes void cleanup self.data nil.. self.urlconnection scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSRunLoopCommonModes void cleanup self.data nil self.response nil self.urlconnection nil self.urlString nil self.isDownloading NO void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveResponse.. void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveResponse NSURLResponse aResponse store the response information self.response aResponse Check for bad connection if aResponse expectedContentLength 0 NSString reason NSString stringWithFormat @ Invalid..

iOS4 Implementation of -[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:]?


queue @synthesize handler void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveResponse NSURLResponse theResponse self.response theResponse data setLength 0 reset data void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveData NSData theData data appendData..