

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:50

iphone Programming Glossary: self.presentingviewcontroller

How to accept an invitation in Game Center


delegate id GCMultiplayerHelperDelegate theDelegate if gameCenterAvailable return matchStarted NO self.match nil self.presentingViewController viewController delegate theDelegate presentingViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES GKMatchmakerViewController..

Game Center Invitations Not Displayed


void authenticateLocalUser UIViewController viewController id GCHelperDelegate theDelegate delegate theDelegate self.presentingViewController viewController if gameCenterAvailable Game Center is not available. userAuthenticated FALSE else GKLocalPlayer localPlayer.. ^ UIViewController viewcontroller NSError error if viewcontroller nil userAuthenticated FALSE self.presentingViewController presentViewController viewcontroller animated YES completion nil else if localPlayer.isAuthenticated Enable Game Center.. else if localPlayer.isAuthenticated Enable Game Center Functionality userAuthenticated TRUE self checkForInvite self.presentingViewController delegate if self.currentPlayerID self.currentPlayerID isEqualToString localPlayer.playerID Current playerID has changed...

Is it possible to determine whether ViewController is presented as Modal?


UITabBarController class iOS 5 if isModal self respondsToSelector @selector presentingViewController isModal self.presentingViewController self.presentingViewController.modalViewController self or if I have a navigation controller check if its parent modal view.. iOS 5 if isModal self respondsToSelector @selector presentingViewController isModal self.presentingViewController self.presentingViewController.modalViewController self or if I have a navigation controller check if its parent modal view controller is self navigation..

Call a parent view controller (through a navigationcontroller)


trying this to see if it's the controller I want if self.superclass isKindOfClass MySuperController class and tried if self.presentingViewController isKindOfClass MySuperController class None of these two worked. How can I access the controller a method in it that pushed..

Dropbox could not dismiss modal view controller
