

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:49

iphone Programming Glossary: self.navigationitem.hidesbackbutton

Hiding UInavigationItem's bar button


Button color in Navigation bar - iPhone


addButton setImage UIImage imageNamed @ bg_table.png retain self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem addButton self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton TRUE self.view.backgroundColor UIColor blackColor return self iphone uinavigationbar share improve this question It..

Live Video Stream iphone


UIColor blackColor moviePlayer play void moviePlayBackDidFinish NSNotification notification self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton FALSE moviePlayer notification object moviePlayer play void endPlay NSNotification notification NSLog @ end Playing self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton.. FALSE moviePlayer notification object moviePlayer play void endPlay NSNotification notification NSLog @ end Playing self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton FALSE UIApplication sharedApplication endIgnoringInteractionEvents actview stopAnimating NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter..

Making custom back button for navigation bar


self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView backbtn set new button self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton YES hide original back button iphone ios share improve this question Try this code UIImage backButtonImage UIImage..

Back button don't appear in navigationController


back button. This viewController push a other UIViewController and in the viewDidLoad of this new viewController I do self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton FALSE But the backbutton doesn't happear. Why And this don't work when I pass to the new Xcode version for iOS 4.2 because..

MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification not being called


delegate appDelegate.backFlag 0 self.localBackFlag 0 self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden NO self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton YES goingNextButton UIBarButtonItem alloc init goingNextButton.title @ Next goingNextButton.target self goingNextButton.action..

How to hide 'Back' button on navigation bar on iPhone?


My retainCount is increasing?


UIControlEventTouchUpInside self.topToolbar.label.text self.artical.category label release Navigation Buttons self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton YES Check if artical is favorited or not self changeFavoriteBtnIcon Favorites chechArtical self.artical self.description..

UINavigationController's back button disappears?


by tapping the top left corner i.e where the button should reside . In my entire file there's no line that set self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton to YES also NSLog prints 0 as self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton's value in viewDidLoad. This occurs in both the simulator.. reside . In my entire file there's no line that set self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton to YES also NSLog prints 0 as self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton's value in viewDidLoad. This occurs in both the simulator and real device. Any ideas iphone objective c cocoa touch share..

MKMapView annotations changing/losing order?


the order became scrambled. Can someone help me Code below void viewDidLoad if fromString isEqualToString @ FromList self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton TRUE else self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem nil self.array MySingleton getArray set up map declare latitude and longitude..

Background image for navigation view


action @selector GoToSettings self.navigationItem.titleView imageview self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem addButton self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton TRUE return self How can I make the picture stretch to the whole navigation view iphone uinavigationbar share improve..