

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:49

iphone Programming Glossary: self.navigationitem.leftbarbuttonitem

Stopping the self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem from exiting a view [duplicate]


the self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem from exiting a view duplicate I'm trying to overwrite the default action of the back button in a navigation controller... navigationItem it calls my action however then the button looks like a plain round one instead of the arrowed back one self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem backButton How can I get it to call my custom action before going back to the root view Is there a way to overwrite the..

Setting action for back button in navigation controller


navigationItem it calls my action however then the button looks like a plain round one instead of the arrowed back one self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem backButton How can I get it to call my custom action before going back to the root view Is there a way to overwrite the..

Hiding UInavigationItem's bar button


only to show in my table view's edit mode. But I didn't find any hidden property to set the leftBarButtonItem like self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.hidden YES . I can only set enabled property. Anybody know how to control the hide and show property of the leftBarButtonItem..

UIBarButtonItem Custom Background Appearance 'Jumping' after flip transition


is 'jumping' or updating it's width or more accurately the padding on each side of the text on a horizontal flip. self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Cancel style UIBarButtonItemStylePlain handler ^ id sender self dismissViewControllerAnimated..

Core-Data iPhone: could not locate an NSManagedObjectModel


super viewDidLoad NSLog @ 1 START viewDidLoad RootViewController self.title @ Books Set up the edit and add buttons. self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem self.editButtonItem NSLog @ 2 setup button viewDidLoad RootViewController Configure the add button. UIBarButtonItem addButton..

custom Back Button image on the Navigation Bar doesn't Work ! [iPhone SDK]


HERE i don't know put what thing forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside button setFrame CGRectMake 0 0 32 32 self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView button iphone button sdk share improve this question ok i created a function..

UITableView Core Data reordering


method void viewWillAppear BOOL animated myTableViewData helper getRowObjects insert method call here to get the data self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem self editButtonItem There are 2 things going on here... I'll explain the editButtonItem later the first is that we need..

Adding UIBarButtonItem to UINav..Controller


alloc initWithTitle @ Nope... style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target self action @selector goBack self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem bbi bbi release void goBack id sender NSLog @ go back now what am i missing here BTW i do not want to will not use IB. UPDATE..

How to tell when back button is pressed in a UINavigationControllerStack


imageNamed @ imageNameOfBackButton style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target self action @selector backBt_touch self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem backBt And action method void backBt_touch id sender self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated YES You have to..

How to change a UIBarButtonItem in a UINavigationBar


UIBarButtonItem editButton self.editButtonItem editButton setTarget self editButton setAction @selector toggleEdit self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem editButton And the method toggleEdit IBAction toggleEdit BOOL editing self.tableView.editing self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.enabled.. toggleEdit BOOL editing self.tableView.editing self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.enabled editing if editing self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.title NSLocalizedString @ Done @ Done Added in the edition for this button has the same color of the UIBarButtonSystemItemDone.. @ Done @ Done Added in the edition for this button has the same color of the UIBarButtonSystemItemDone self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.style UIBarButtonItemStyleDone else self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.title NSLocalizedString @ Edit @ Edit Added in..

Intercept back button on uinavigationcontroller? [duplicate]


navigationItem it calls my action however then the button looks like a plain round one instead of the arrowed back one self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem backButton How can I get it to call my custom action before going back to the root view Is there a way to overwrite the..

In App Purchase Crashes on [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment]


alloc initWithTitle @ Close style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target self action @selector closeButtonAction self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem closeButton self loadStore self.navigationItem.title @ Credits void closeButtonAction id sender self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated..

MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification not being called


alloc init goingBackButton.title @ Back goingBackButton.target self goingBackButton.action @selector backAction self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem goingBackButton goingBackButton release NSEnumerator AplicationEnumerator appDelegate.categoryDictionary objectForKey appDelegate.categoryArray..

UIDatePicker in UIActionSheet on iPad


modal with a refrence to the button pressed within the current view popoverController presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem permittedArrowDirections UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated YES release the popover content popoverView release popoverContent..

adding more than two button on the navigationbar


and release them toolbar setItems buttons animated NO buttons release place the toolbar into the navigation bar self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView toolbar toolbar release Try this code snippet And In AppDelegate.h file you declare..

Customization of UINavigationBar and the back button


button.titleLabel setFont font return button @end It's easy to use e.g. void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem styledBackBarButtonItemWithTarget self selector @selector dismissModalViewController self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem..

issue with tableview in iphone


alloc initWithTitle @ Retour style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target self action @selector tableRetour self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem infoButton self.view addSubview webView iphone xcode uitableview share improve this question That's because in the..

custom back button on navigation bar


Back but what ever I tryid didn't work self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem setTitle @ Back title didn't changed self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem setAction self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem.action action didn't seted no responce from button button didn't da anything..

Index '5' beyond bounds of empty array crash


UIImageView alloc initWithImage image UIBarButtonItem button UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView imageview self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem button imageview release button release Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view typically from..