

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:49

iphone Programming Glossary: self.navigationitem.titleview

How to set a picture programmatically in a NavBar?


UIBarMetricsDefault Or you can set a view on your NavigationBar Link UINavigationBar appearance addSubview yourView or self.navigationItem.titleView YourView And set title using h self.navigationItem.title @ Your Title And you can get navigationBarButton using this void..

UItextField within UISearchbar failing after iOS 7 upgrade


.CGColor UITextField textfield UITextField searchBar subviews objectAtIndex 1 searchBarView addSubview searchBar self.navigationItem.titleView searchBarView iphone ios objective c uitextfield share improve this question It's not a good idea to assume that second..

Need approach to show tables using segmented control?


segmentedControl addTarget self action @selector onSegmentedControlChanged forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged self.navigationItem.titleView segmentedControl Next when the segmented control is changed you need to load the data for the new segment and reset the..

iPhone Title and Subtitle in Navigation Bar


UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin self.navigationItem.titleView _headerTitleSubtitleView And also implemented a method void setHeaderTitle NSString headerTitle andSubtitle NSString headerSubtitle.. And also implemented a method void setHeaderTitle NSString headerTitle andSubtitle NSString headerSubtitle assert self.navigationItem.titleView nil UIView headerTitleSubtitleView self.navigationItem.titleView UILabel titleView headerTitleSubtitleView.subviews objectAtIndex.. andSubtitle NSString headerSubtitle assert self.navigationItem.titleView nil UIView headerTitleSubtitleView self.navigationItem.titleView UILabel titleView headerTitleSubtitleView.subviews objectAtIndex 0 UILabel subtitleView headerTitleSubtitleView.subviews..

Can I set image as a title to UINavigationBar?


Adjusting navigationItem.titleView's frame?


doesn't work either titleLabel addTarget self action @selector titleTap forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside self.navigationItem.titleView titleLabel self.navigationItem.titleView.frame CGRectMake 100 0 180 44 this doesn't work either iphone uinavigationitem.. self action @selector titleTap forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside self.navigationItem.titleView titleLabel self.navigationItem.titleView.frame CGRectMake 100 0 180 44 this doesn't work either iphone uinavigationitem share improve this question Sometime..

How to customize UISwitch button in iphone?


1 switchView addTarget self action @selector checkOnOffState forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged self.navigationItem.titleView switchView and write checkOnOffState method code like this IBAction checkOnOffState id sender UISegmentedControl tempSeg..

Change the navigation bar's font


how to display an image in the navigation bar of an iPhone application?


NavBar. UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ NavBarImage.png UIImageView imageView UIImageView alloc initWithImage image self.navigationItem.titleView imageView imageView release This code is actually contained with the Apple source for the NavBar and can be found at the..

How to put an image as the navigation bar title


Background image for navigation view


NSLocalizedString @ Settings @ style UIBarButtonItemStyleDone target self action @selector GoToSettings self.navigationItem.titleView imageview self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem addButton self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton TRUE return self How can..