

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:49

iphone Programming Glossary: self.overlay

How to display an image on a MKOverlayView?


mapRect zoomScale MKZoomScale zoomScale inContext CGContextRef context RadarOverlay radarOverlay RadarOverlay self.overlay UIImage image UIImage alloc initWithData radarOverlay.radarData CGImageRef imageReference image.CGImage MKMapRect theMapRect.. image UIImage alloc initWithData radarOverlay.radarData CGImageRef imageReference image.CGImage MKMapRect theMapRect self.overlay boundingMapRect CGRect theRect self rectForMapRect theMapRect CGRect clipRect self rectForMapRect mapRect NSUserDefaults..

How is retain setter implemented with @synthesize?


@synthesize overlay Then UIView tempOverlay UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 160.0f 70.0f 150.0f 310.0f self.overlay tempOverlay tempOverlay release Isn't the tempOverlay variable above unnecessary Can't I just do self.overlay UIView alloc.. 310.0f self.overlay tempOverlay tempOverlay release Isn't the tempOverlay variable above unnecessary Can't I just do self.overlay UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 160.0f 70.0f 150.0f 310.0f iphone objective c memory management properties retain.. retained set to property release. IView tempOverlay UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 160.0f 70.0f 150.0f 310.0f self.overlay tempOverlay tempOverlay release 2 No temp var set directly to ivar. overlay UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 160.0f..

MKOverlay View is blurred


context CGContextScaleCTM context 1.0 1.0 CGContextSetAlpha context 1.0 get the overlay bounds MKMapRect theMapRect self.overlay boundingMapRect CGRect theRect self rectForMapRect theMapRect Draw image CGContextDrawImage context theRect image CGImageRelease..

How do I create an image overlay and add to MKMapView?


ctx UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ image.png retain CGImageRef imageReference image.CGImage MKMapRect theMapRect self.overlay boundingMapRect CGRect theRect self rectForMapRect theMapRect CGRect clipRect self rectForMapRect mapRect CGContextAddRect..

Draw text in circle overlay


context CGContextSaveGState context UIColor redColor set CGRect overallCGRect self rectForMapRect self.overlay boundingMapRect NSLog @ MKC lf lf lf lf mapRect.origin.x mapRect.origin.y overallCGRect.origin.x overallCGRect.origin.y..