

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:50

iphone Programming Glossary: self.remindersdb

Populate the table view sections with rows of table in sqlite database in an order


stringWithFormat @ SELECT from reminders ORDER BY id const char query_stmt querySQL UTF8String if sqlite3_prepare_v2 self.remindersDB query_stmt 1 statement NULL SQLITE_OK if sqlite3_step statement SQLITE_ROW NSString ID NSString alloc initWithUTF8String.. ID label2.text nameField label3.text eventField label4.text dateField sqlite3_finalize statement sqlite3_close self.remindersDB cell addSubview label1 cell addSubview label2 cell addSubview label3 cell addSubview label4 return cell I have inserted..

Retrieve all rows inserted in sqlite database and display in table view cells containing labels as subviews with different sections


@ SELECT FROM reminders NSLog @ Data @ querySQL const char query_stmt querySQL UTF8String if sqlite3_prepare_v2 self.remindersDB query_stmt 1 statement NULL SQLITE_OK if sqlite3_step statement SQLITE_ROW ID NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const.. initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 3 autorelease sqlite3_finalize statement sqlite3_close self.remindersDB array addObject ID array addObject nameField array addObject eventField array addObject dateField self.theTable reloadData.. @ SELECT FROM reminders NSLog @ Data @ querySQL const char query_stmt querySQL UTF8String if sqlite3_prepare_v2 self.remindersDB query_stmt 1 statement NULL SQLITE_OK while sqlite3_step statement SQLITE_ROW Reminder loadedReminder Reminder alloc..