

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.imageview

UIImageView with big image. issue


imageView release imageView nil reset our zoomScale to 1.0 before doing any further calculations self.zoomScale 1.0 self.imageView UIImageView alloc initWithImage image autorelease self addSubview imageView self.contentSize image size self setMaxMinZoomScalesForCurrentBounds..

Extract a part of UIImageView


self.scale orientation self.imageOrientation CGImageRelease imageRef return crop @end in your VC UIImage snapshot self.imageView makeSnapshot UIImage imageYouNeed snapshot cropFromRect selectedRect selectedRect should be in you self.imageView coordinate.. self.imageView makeSnapshot UIImage imageYouNeed snapshot cropFromRect selectedRect selectedRect should be in you self.imageView coordinate system if no so then use selectedRect self.imageView convertRect selectedRect fromView ... share improve this..

Blur an image of specific part (rectangular, circular)?


UIEvent event UIImage croppedImg nil UITouch touch touches anyObject CGPoint currentPoint touch locationInView self.imageView double ratioW imageView.image.size.width imageView.frame.size.width double ratioH imageView.image.size.height imageView.frame.size.height.. cropRect.origin.x cropRect.origin.y cropRect.size.width cropRect.size.height croppedImg self croppIngimageByImageName self.imageView.image toRect cropRect Blur Effect croppedImg croppedImg imageWithGaussianBlur9 Contrast Effect croppedImg croppedImg imageWithContrast..

How to crossfade between 2 images on iPhone using Core Animation


layer like so UIImage image1 UIImage imageNamed @ someImage1.png UIImage image2 UIImage imageNamed @ someImage2.png self.imageView.image image1 self.view addSubview self.imageView CABasicAnimation crossFade CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ contents.. @ someImage1.png UIImage image2 UIImage imageNamed @ someImage2.png self.imageView.image image1 self.view addSubview self.imageView CABasicAnimation crossFade CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ contents crossFade.duration 5.0 self.imageView.layer.contents.. self.imageView CABasicAnimation crossFade CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ contents crossFade.duration 5.0 self.imageView.layer.contents image2 self.imageView.layer addAnimation crossFade forKey @ animateContents Did I get a detail wrong or is..

UIImageView on iphone 4 image is half way out of view


relevant code image UIImage imageNamed self.myImage self.scrollView setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints YES self.imageView setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints YES self.myView setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints YES im setBackgroundColor.. currentScreenBoundsDependOnOrientation self.scrollView.frame CGRectMake 0 0 imageSize.width imageSize.height self.imageView.frame CGRectMake 0 0 imageSize.width imageSize.height dan true self.scrollView.delegate self UITapGestureRecognizer..

Watermark image on real time on camera view in iphone


UIColor blackColor An image view to save to and therefore display the captured image self.imageView UIImageView new autorelease imageView.frame viewController.view.frame viewController.view addSubview imageView window addSubview..

iphone uiscrollview and uiimageview - setting initial zoom


.37 but it didnt seem to work UIImageView tempImage UIImageView alloc initWithImage UIImage imageWithData data self.imageView tempImage scrollView.contentSize CGSizeMake imageView.frame.size.width imageView.frame.size.height scrollView.maximumZoomScale..

How to use an animated gif file in iPhone application


do it with UIImageView UIImage blur5 UIImage imageNamed @ blur5.png UIImage blur6 UIImage imageNamed @ blur6.png self.imageView.animationImages NSArray alloc initWithObjects blur5 blur6 nil self.imageView.animationRepeatCount 5 self.imageView startAnimating.. blur6 UIImage imageNamed @ blur6.png self.imageView.animationImages NSArray alloc initWithObjects blur5 blur6 nil self.imageView.animationRepeatCount 5 self.imageView startAnimating I found this easier than trying to use UIWebView. share improve this..

iOS: Mask a UIImage using UIBezierPath


whiteColor CGColor maskLayer.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor CGColor maskLayer.path roundedPath CGPath Add mask self.imageView.layer.mask maskLayer iphone objective c ios uiimage share improve this question Round two corners in UIView As mentioned.. in the above linked question you probably need to remove the view from the heirarchy before applying its mask. self.imageView removeFromSuperview self.imageView.layer.mask maskLayer self.view addSubview self.imageView Also your maskLayer has no bounds.. you probably need to remove the view from the heirarchy before applying its mask. self.imageView removeFromSuperview self.imageView.layer.mask maskLayer self.view addSubview self.imageView Also your maskLayer has no bounds . You need to set it to the frame..

UIImageView only displays when I call initWithImage


imageView ... void loadAndDisplayImage Load testing image UIImage testImg testImg UIImage imageNamed @ Test.png self.imageView UIImageView alloc initWithImage testImg size of imageView rect CGRect frame self.imageView.frame int ivw frame.size.width.. imageNamed @ Test.png self.imageView UIImageView alloc initWithImage testImg size of imageView rect CGRect frame self.imageView.frame int ivw frame.size.width int ivh frame.size.height ... @end When I use this method self.imageView UIImageView alloc.. CGRect frame self.imageView.frame int ivw frame.size.width int ivh frame.size.height ... @end When I use this method self.imageView UIImageView alloc initWithImage testImg the ivw and ivh have valid values and the image is displayed. However if I change..

ios capturing image using AVFramework


the sample buffer data UIImage image self imageFromSampleBuffer sampleBuffer Add your code here that uses the image self.imageView setImage image self.view setNeedsDisplay Create a UIImage from sample buffer data UIImage imageFromSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef..