

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.effect

How to draw a line inside the fish movement (OpenGLES in iPhone)?


create ES context GLKView view GLKView self.view view.context self.context EAGLContext setCurrentContext self.context self.effect GLKBaseEffect alloc init GLKMatrix4 projectionMatrix GLKMatrix4MakeOrtho 0 480 0 320 1024 1024 self.effect.transform.projectionMatrix.. self.effect GLKBaseEffect alloc init GLKMatrix4 projectionMatrix GLKMatrix4MakeOrtho 0 480 0 320 1024 1024 self.effect.transform.projectionMatrix projectionMatrix self.player SGGSprite alloc initWithFile @ bg.png effect self.effect self.player.position.. 1024 self.effect.transform.projectionMatrix projectionMatrix self.player SGGSprite alloc initWithFile @ bg.png effect self.effect self.player.position GLKVector2Make self.player.contentSize.width 460 self.children NSMutableArray array self.children addObject..

Draw a straight line using OpenGL ES in iPhone?


creates a setupGL function which I modified to look like this void setupGL EAGLContext setCurrentContext self.context self.effect GLKBaseEffect alloc init autorelease Let's color the line self.effect.useConstantColor GL_TRUE Make the line a cyan color.. EAGLContext setCurrentContext self.context self.effect GLKBaseEffect alloc init autorelease Let's color the line self.effect.useConstantColor GL_TRUE Make the line a cyan color self.effect.constantColor GLKVector4Make 0.0f Red 1.0f Green 1.0f Blue.. alloc init autorelease Let's color the line self.effect.useConstantColor GL_TRUE Make the line a cyan color self.effect.constantColor GLKVector4Make 0.0f Red 1.0f Green 1.0f Blue 1.0f Alpha I was able to get the line to draw by including a..