

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.imageview.image

NSBlockOperation or NSOperation with ALAsset Block to display photo-library images using ALAsset URL


question You have a line in your DisplayImages NSOperation subclass where you update the UI DisplayImages.m line 54 self.imageView.image topicImage This operation queue is running on a background thread and we know that you should only update the state of the.. definitely updating the UI this can be simply fixed by wrapping the call with dispatch_async dispatch_get_main_queue ^ self.imageView.image topicImage This puts an asynchronous call on the main queue to update the UIImageView with the image. It's asynchronous..

How to convert image path to uiimage using ALAssetsLibrary


rep orientation fileImage addObject myImage binding ur UI elements in main queue for fast execution self.imageView.image myImage ALAssetsLibraryAccessFailureBlock failureblock ^ NSError myerror failed to get image. ALAssetsLibrary..

matchTemplate opencv not working as shown in opencv document


cvPoint maxloc.x maxloc.y cvPoint maxloc.x tpl_width maxloc.y tpl_height cvScalar 0 255 0 0 1 0 0 display images self.imageView.image self UIImageFromIplImage img cvReleaseImage img cvReleaseImage tpl cvReleaseImage res Please tell me what am I doing wrong..

images from documents asynchronous


One convenient way is to use blocks something like self loadFullImageAt imagePath completion ^ UIIMage image self.imageView.image image Where you would load the image as data since UIImage otherwise loads the image data deferred when you first access..

Blur an image of specific part (rectangular, circular)?


cropRect.origin.x cropRect.origin.y cropRect.size.width cropRect.size.height croppedImg self croppIngimageByImageName self.imageView.image toRect cropRect Blur Effect croppedImg croppedImg imageWithGaussianBlur9 Contrast Effect croppedImg croppedImg imageWithContrast..

Force UIImagePickerController to take photo in portrait orientation/dimensions iOS


M_PI 2 else self.imageView.bounds self.view.bounds self.imageView.transform CGAffineTransformIdentity self.imageView.image image Another option could be to create a new image from an imageRep this should strip out the orientation information...

How to crossfade between 2 images on iPhone using Core Animation


layer like so UIImage image1 UIImage imageNamed @ someImage1.png UIImage image2 UIImage imageNamed @ someImage2.png self.imageView.image image1 self.view addSubview self.imageView CABasicAnimation crossFade CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ contents crossFade.duration..

Create QR code in iphone


1001012023034 Barcode barcode Barcode alloc init self.view.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor barcode setupQRCode code self.imageView.image barcode.qRBarcode My question is if we use Image instead of string data then is it possible iphone ios ios6 qr code share..

How to hide status bar in UIImagepickercontroller?


NSDictionary info self statusBar YES UIImage chosenImage info UIImagePickerControllerEditedImage self.imageView.image chosenImage picker dismissViewControllerAnimated YES completion NULL void imagePickerControllerDidCancel UIImagePickerController..

Having trouble creating UIImage from CIImage in iOS5


CVPixelBufferRef pb CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer sampleBuffer CIImage ciImage CIImage imageWithCVPixelBuffer pb self.imageView.image UIImage imageWithCIImage ciImage I am able to use the CIImage to run the face detector etc. but it does not show up in the..

Image Manipulation Filter like white Balance, Exposure, split Tone etc on IOS


It is implemented as a category on UIImage and mimics Photoshop filters so calling it is as straightforward as self.imageView.image levels 0 mid 128 white 255 Moreover it's compatible with iOS 3 4 not just iOS 5. It's open source and has no dependencies..

iOS - How to achieve emboss effect for the text on UILabel?


UIImageView only displays when I call initWithImage


loadAndDisplayImage void loadAndDisplayImage Load testing image UIImage testImg testImg UIImage imageNamed @ Test.png self.imageView.image testImg size of imageView rect CGRect frame self.imageView.frame int ivw frame.size.width int ivh frame.size.height ..... self.imageView.frame int ivw frame.size.width int ivh frame.size.height ... @end Where I am setting the image using self.imageView.image testImg the values ivw and ivh are both zero and no image is displayed but the subsequent processing on the image is still.. on the image is still accurate. In both cases I am sending the image to processing using self doRecognizeImage self.imageView.image . I can't figure out how this is possible. It would make a lot more sense to me if the processing failed when the image..