

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:49

iphone Programming Glossary: self.myoutlet

Iphone - How to encrypt NSData with public key and decrypt with private key?


view typically from a nib. void viewDidUnload super viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil void viewWillAppear BOOL animated super viewWillAppear animated privateTag NSData alloc initWithBytes privateKeyIdentifier..

RSA implementations in Objective C


view typically from a nib. void viewDidUnload super viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil void viewWillAppear BOOL animated super viewWillAppear animated privateTag NSData alloc initWithBytes privateKeyIdentifier..

iPhone: why isn't drawRect getting called?


any cached data images etc that aren't in use. void viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil void dealloc super dealloc @end iphone quartz graphics drawrect share improve this question drawRect is a method..

Loop an UIScrollView [duplicate]


any cached data images etc that aren't in use. void viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil void dealloc scrollView release slideImages release super dealloc @end I then use scrollViewDidEndDecelerating to check..

Using Cocoa Touch Tutorial: Extract Address Book Address Values on iPhone OS


any cached data images etc that aren't in use. void viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil void dealloc super dealloc @end iphone share improve this question In ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate..

What exactly must I do in viewDidUnload?


OS 3.0 introduced this funny viewDidUnload method where they say Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil So viewDidUnload seems to get called when the view of the view controller has been kicked off from memory. And if I..

How do I hide iAd banners when no ads are being served?


cached data images etc. that aren't in use. void viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil Override to allow orientations other than the default portrait orientation. BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation..

Dismiss popover using UIbutton


etc. that aren't in use. void viewDidUnload super viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil void dealloc super dealloc @end And then you could use.. ClassImplementingPopoverController.h #import UIKit UIKit.h.. void viewDidUnload Relinquish ownership of anything that can be recreated in viewDidLoad or on demand. For example self.myOutlet nil self.myPopoverController nil void dealloc myPopoverController release super dealloc @end share improve this answer..

Parsing XML code on iphone SDK


void viewDidUnload Relinquish ownership of anything that can be recreated in viewDidLoad or on demand. For example self.myOutlet nil void dealloc super dealloc currentElement release rssParser release sections release item release currentTitle release..

how to create custom tableViewCell from xib


void viewDidUnload Relinquish ownership of anything that can be recreated in viewDidLoad or on demand. For example self.myOutlet nil self.editRow nil @end in my code UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath..

iphone:How to stream and play youtube video with in application using MPMoviePlayer?


how to enable text input in UITextField which is in UIActionSheet?


any cached data images etc that aren't in use. void viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil BOOL textFieldShouldReturn UITextField textField NSLog @ in textFieldShouldReturn TextField resignFirstResponder return..

Embedding YouTube videos on iOS


any cached data images etc that aren't in use. void viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil void dealloc super dealloc @end It compiles correctly and when I open it I see a white box positioned incorrectly which..

IOS 4.3 UINavigationBar tintColor Leaks


MKPinannotation detail disclosure button - present new view


etc. that aren't in use. void viewDidUnload super viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil IBAction setMap id sender switch UISegmentedControl sender .selectedSegmentIndex case 0 mapView.mapType MKMapTypeStandard.. Directions else return nil void viewDidUnload super viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation Return YES for supported orientations..

Optimizing Code for MKMapView - Large Number of Annotations


mapViewLink release mapViewLink nil super viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil iphone objective c ios ipad mkmapview share improve this question The two biggest speed improvements you can make..

how can i add splitview to my viewbased app in ipad coding


super viewDidLoad void viewDidUnload super viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation Return YES for supported orientations..

How do I install this script into PhoneGap for iOS


the view from its nib. void viewDidUnload super viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation Return YES for supported orientations..