

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.items

how to increase the label and cell size on clicking on a button on a cell


constrainHeight isSelected maxHeight minHeight CGFloat constrainWidth tableView.frame.size.width 20.0f NSString text self.items indexPath.row CGSize constrainSize CGSizeMake constrainWidth constrainHeight CGSize labelSize text sizeWithFont UIFont systemFontOfSize.. self.selectedIndexPaths containsObject indexPath cell.statusLabel.numberOfLines isSelected 0 2 NSString text self.items indexPath.row cell.statusLabel.text text NSString buttonTitle isSelected @ See Less @ See More cell.seeMoreButton setTitle..

iPhone + UITableView + place an image for separator


CellIdentifier hasIcon YES autorelease custom function to set the fields in the cell cell setItem self.items objectAtIndex indexPath.row return cell And then here's my simplified implementation of SavedTableCell.h #import UIKit UIKit.h..

Problem copying NSMutableArray


NSMutableArray I am trying to copy one array to another NSMutableArray itemsCopy NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray self.items copyItems YES but I get the error Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' reason ' Item copyWithZone.. iphone objective c cocoa cocoa touch arrays share improve this question You need to make sure all the contents of self.items adopt the NSCopying protocol. If you just want a shallow copy send the mutableCopy message to self.items . NSMutableArray..

UITableViewCell, UITextView with dynamic height


#define PADDING 10.0f CGFloat tableView UITableView t heightForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSString text self.items objectAtIndex indexPath.row CGSize textSize text sizeWithFont UIFont systemFontOfSize 14.0f constrainedToSize CGSizeMake..

How to use Three20 TTMessageController?


AddressBookModel new self.model _addressBook return self void dealloc RELEASE_SAFELY _addressBook RELEASE_SAFELY self.items super dealloc TTTableViewDataSource void tableViewDidLoadModel UITableView tableView RELEASE_SAFELY self.items self.items.. self.items super dealloc TTTableViewDataSource void tableViewDidLoadModel UITableView tableView RELEASE_SAFELY self.items self.items NSMutableArray new int countPeople AddressBookModel self.model .searchResults count for int i 0 i countPeople.. super dealloc TTTableViewDataSource void tableViewDidLoadModel UITableView tableView RELEASE_SAFELY self.items self.items NSMutableArray new int countPeople AddressBookModel self.model .searchResults count for int i 0 i countPeople i ABRecordRef..