

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.font.leading

How to programmatically add a UINavigationBar and a back button on it


context 1.0f CGContextBeginPath context NSUInteger numberOfLines self.contentSize.height self.bounds.size.height self.font.leading CGFloat baselineOffset 6.0f for int x 0 x numberOfLines x CGContextMoveToPoint context self.bounds.origin.x self.font.leading.. CGFloat baselineOffset 6.0f for int x 0 x numberOfLines x CGContextMoveToPoint context self.bounds.origin.x self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset CGContextAddLineToPoint context self.bounds.size.width self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset CGContextClosePath.. self.bounds.origin.x self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset CGContextAddLineToPoint context self.bounds.size.width self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset CGContextClosePath context CGContextStrokePath context AddNotesViewController.h @interface AddNotesViewController..

UITextView ruled line background but wrong line height


to draw lines in the empty part of the view NSUInteger numberOfLines self.contentSize.height self.bounds.size.height self.font.leading Set the line offset from the baseline. I'm sure there's a concrete way to calculate this. CGFloat baselineOffset 6.0f iterate.. x 0 x numberOfLines x 0.5f offset lines up line with pixel boundary CGContextMoveToPoint context self.bounds.origin.x self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset CGContextAddLineToPoint context self.bounds.size.width self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset Close.. self.bounds.origin.x self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset CGContextAddLineToPoint context self.bounds.size.width self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset Close our Path and Stroke draw it CGContextClosePath context CGContextStrokePath context @end MyViewController.h..