

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.managedobjectcontext

Iphone Core Data crashing on Save


case 0 if message nil message NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ MailMessage inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext message.toString txtTo.text message.fromString txtFrom.text message.subjectString txtSubject.text message.backgroundColor.. indexPath messageView loadMessage aMessage viewOnly NO usingTemplate NO messageView.managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext self.navigationController pushViewController messageView animated YES the first set of code is from the MessageViewController.m..

Does CoreData on iPhone support IN predicates?


types defined by the user p fetchRequest setEntity NSEntityDescription entityForName @ myRecord inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext NSSet shipTypes NSSet setWithObjects NSNumber numberWithInt 70 NSNumber numberWithInt 71 NSNumber numberWithInt 72 NSNumber.. aPredicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ type in @ shipTypes fetchRequest setPredicate aPredicate theRecords self.managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest fetchRequest error error ¦when run the executeFetchRequest message throws an exception p Terminating.. classes. In this case I'd do fetchRequest.entity NSEntityDescription entityForName @ myRecord inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext NSArray shipTypes NSArray arrayWithObjects NSNumber numberWithInt 70 NSNumber numberWithInt 71 NSNumber numberWithInt..

Core-Data iPhone: could not locate an NSManagedObjectModel


rootViewController RootViewController navigationController topViewController rootViewController.managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext for the menu window addSubview viewController.view Configure and show the window window makeKeyAndVisible The rest of CoreDataAppDelegete.m..

iPhone core data inserting new objects


will do something like Task newTask NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Task inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext If you grab the Location sample from Apple and work from there you will puzzle it out although that contains no relationships... relationship like Flight newFlight NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Flight inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext newFlight setRoute routingArray Airport.Board.flights addObject newFlight When the flight is cancelled curse you United..

Is there a way to instantiate a NSManagedObject without inserting it?


code transaction Transaction NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Transaction inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext even if i dont call save its going to show up on my table self.managedObjectContext save error P.S i am using an NSFetchedResultsController.. Transaction inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext even if i dont call save its going to show up on my table self.managedObjectContext save error P.S i am using an NSFetchedResultsController on that table and I see that the NSFetchedResultsController is inserting..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


alloc init Edit the entity name as appropriate. NSEntityDescription callEntity MTCall entityInManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext fetchRequest setEntity callEntity NSMutableArray predicateArray NSMutableArray array if searchString.length your search.. NSFetchedResultsController alloc initWithFetchRequest fetchRequest managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath nil cacheName nil aFetchedResultsController.delegate self fetchRequest release NSError error..

NSFetchedResultsController custom sort not getting called


name as appropriate. NSEntityDescription entity NSEntityDescription entityForName @ Object inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext fetchRequest setEntity entity Set the batch size to a suitable number. fetchRequest setFetchBatchSize 20 NSSortDescriptor.. sortDescriptor nil NSEntityDescription entity NSEntityDescription entityForName @ Object inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext fetchRequest setEntity entity fetchRequest setSortDescriptors sortDescriptors NSFetchedResultsController aFetchedResultsController.. aFetchedResultsController NSFetchedResultsController alloc initWithFetchRequest fetchRequest managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath @ firstLetterOfObject cacheName @ Objects aFetchedResultsController release fetchRequest release sortDescriptor..

If I release, I get bad access, if I retain, I leak


it leaks. CustomTVC controller CustomTVC alloc initWithStyle UITableViewStyleGrouped controller.managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext self.tableViewControllerIvar controller self.navigationController pushViewController self.tableViewControllerIvar animated..

Core Data and threads / Grand Central Dispatch


andActivitiesArray arrayWithMemberActivities andStaffArray nil andContactsArray nil inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext How can I transform this to work on the background and then when done saving save the data and update the UI without blocking..

Crash when adding persistent store (iCloud enabled) in app delegate


original question. void resetiCloudSync BOOL isSource NSLog @ reset sync source d isSource NSManagedObjectContext moc self.managedObjectContext if isSource remove data from app's cloud account then repopulate with copy of existing data find your log transaction container..

Detect if the user has touched the screen


Data stack here usually by passing the managed object context to the first view controller. self..managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext void saveContext NSError error nil if self managedObjectContext if managedObjectContext hasChanges managedObjectContext..