

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.frame.size.height

String length with given font to fit UITextView 2 - The Return


sizeWithFont self.font constrainedToSize tallerSize lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap if stringSize.height self.frame.size.height return self sizeStringToFit aString min mean max aMax too small else return self sizeStringToFit aString min aMin max mean.. constrainedToSize tallerSize lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap if it fits just return if stringSize.height self.frame.size.height return aString too big call the recursive method to size it NSString smallerString self sizeStringToFit aString min 0 max..

Objective c - How to autoplay a youtube video in a UIWebView


void playVideoWithId NSString videoId NSString html NSString stringWithFormat youTubeVideoHTML self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height videoId self loadHTMLString html baseURL nil The problem This code doesn't actually play the video like I want it just initiate..

Custom UIPickerView with three Components each showing label on Selection Indicator


objectForKey keyName CGRect frame frame.size longestString sizeWithFont labelfont center it vertically frame.origin.y self.frame.size.height 2 frame.size.height 2 0.5 align it to the right side of the wheel with a margin. use a smaller margin for the rightmost..

How to add background image on iphone Navigation bar?


CGRect rect UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ NavigationBar.png image drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height @end As of iOS 5 there is an official way to do this. see iOS Developer Library someplace where you create the UINavigationController..

UITextField: move view when keyboard appears


notification CGRect oldFrame self.frame self retrieveFrameFromNotification notification if oldFrame.size.height self.frame.size.height CGSize delta CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width oldFrame.size.width self.frame.size.height oldFrame.size.height if self.delegate.. if oldFrame.size.height self.frame.size.height CGSize delta CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width oldFrame.size.width self.frame.size.height oldFrame.size.height if self.delegate self notifySizeChanged delta notification notification void keyboardWillHide NSNotification.. self notifySizeChanged delta notification notification void keyboardWillHide NSNotification notification if self.frame.size.height 0.0 self retrieveFrameFromNotification notification CGSize delta CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height..

UINavigationBar gradient details


UIImage img UIImage imageNamed @ navigation_background.png img drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height else Render yourself instead. You will need to adjust the MAIN_COLOR_COMPONENTS and LIGHT_COLOR_COMPONENTS to match your.. myColorspace topComponents locations 2 CGContextDrawLinearGradient context topGradient CGPointMake 0 0 CGPointMake 0 self.frame.size.height 2 0 CGGradientRelease topGradient CGFloat botComponents 8 MAIN_COLOR_COMPONENTS CGGradientRef botGradient CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents.. myColorspace botComponents locations 2 CGContextDrawLinearGradient context botGradient CGPointMake 0 self.frame.size.height 2 CGPointMake 0 self.frame.size.height 0 CGGradientRelease botGradient CGColorSpaceRelease myColorspace top Line CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor..

Can I give a UIToolBar a custom background in my iPhone app?


How to change an UILabel/UIFont's letter spacing?


but invisbly to get the string length. CGPoint p CGContextGetTextPosition context float centeredY self.font.pointSize self.frame.size.height self.font.pointSize 2 2 CGContextShowTextAtPoint context 0 centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding..

How do I get a view in Interface Builder to load a custom view in another nib?


class tMyActualSelf UIView object retain if tMyActualSelf tMyActualSelf.frame CGRectMake 0 0 self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height self addSubview tMyActualSelf return self iphone interface builder nib custom view share improve this question I..

How do I change the background of a UINavigationBar?


code UIImage img UIImage imageNamed @ background image.png img drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height If you use Interface Builder to build your UI then to use the custom navigation bar just select the UINavigationBar element..

UIView drag (image and text)


@ Dragging A DraggableView context nil self.frame CGRectMake location.x location.y self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height UIView commitAnimations And because all subviews of the DraggableView object will be moved too. So put all your images and..

interaction beyond bounds of uiview


withEvent UIEvent event CGFloat radius 100.0 CGRect frame CGRectMake radius radius self.frame.size.width radius self.frame.size.height radius if CGRectContainsPoint frame point return self return nil Edit 2 After clarification In order to ensure that the..

Custom UINavigationBar Background


Xcode - UILabel - auto-size label to fit text?


width self setFrame newFrame float expectedWidth self setNumberOfLines 1 CGSize maximumLabelSize CGSizeMake 9999 self.frame.size.height CGSize expectedLabelSize self text sizeWithFont self font constrainedToSize maximumLabelSize lineBreakMode self lineBreakMode..

Background image for navigation view
