

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.length

MD5 algorithm in Objective C


15 @end @implementation NSData MyExtensions NSString md5 unsigned char result CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH CC_MD5 self.bytes self.length result This is the md5 call return NSString stringWithFormat @ 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x 02x..

Not able to parse webservices getting data in iphone


string from the server response. NSString xmlDecodedString NSMutableString ret NSMutableString alloc initWithCapacity self.length NSRange specialRange NSMakeRange NSNotFound NSNotFound using c causes some issues NSRange decRange NSMakeRange 0 NSNotFound.. amp ret appendString @ else DLogWarn @ WARNING unhandled special entity @ special ret appendString special if self.length decRange.location decRange.length self.length decRange.location ret appendString self substringWithRange decRange return..

NSArray containObjects method


might look like BOOL isEqual id other if other self return YES if other other isKindOfClass self class return NO if self.length other.length self.width other.width self.height other.height return NO return YES For a better implementation you may want..

UILabel visible part of text


visibleText NSString stringVisibleInRect CGRect rect withFont UIFont font NSString visibleString @ for int i 1 i self.length i NSString testString self substringToIndex i CGSize stringSize testString sizeWithFont font if stringSize.height rect.size.height..

How do I create a hash of a file on iOS?


generateMD5Hash @end your .m NSString generateMD5Hash unsigned char md5Buffer CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH CC_MD5 self.bytes self.length md5Buffer NSMutableString output NSMutableString stringWithCapacity CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 2 for int i 0 i CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH..