

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.frame

How would I tint an image programatically on the iPhone?


context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSaveGState context Draw picture first CGContextDrawImage context self.frame self.image.CGImage Blend mode could be any of CGBlendMode values. Now draw filled rectangle over top of image. CGContextSetBlendMode..

UITextField: move view when keyboard appears


super dealloc @synthesize delegate @synthesize frame void keyboardWillShow NSNotification notification CGRect oldFrame self.frame self retrieveFrameFromNotification notification if oldFrame.size.height self.frame.size.height CGSize delta CGSizeMake.. notification CGRect oldFrame self.frame self retrieveFrameFromNotification notification if oldFrame.size.height self.frame.size.height CGSize delta CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width oldFrame.size.width self.frame.size.height oldFrame.size.height.. retrieveFrameFromNotification notification if oldFrame.size.height self.frame.size.height CGSize delta CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width oldFrame.size.width self.frame.size.height oldFrame.size.height if self.delegate self notifySizeChanged delta..

iPhone - How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images?


CGRect rect Drawing code if self.image nil return CGPoint offset scrollView.contentOffset clipRect CGRectOffset self.frame offset.x offset.y UIImage croppedImage image croppedImage clipRect CGContextRef ctx UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext croppedImage..

Automatically Sizing UIView after Adding to Window


frame if CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform self.transform transform self.transform transform if CGRectEqualToRect self.frame frame self.frame frame CGFloat getStatusBarHeight UIInterfaceOrientation orientation UIApplication sharedApplication .statusBarOrientation.. self.transform transform self.transform transform if CGRectEqualToRect self.frame frame self.frame frame CGFloat getStatusBarHeight UIInterfaceOrientation orientation UIApplication sharedApplication .statusBarOrientation..

Adding view on StatusBar in iPhone


initWithFrame frame Place the window on the correct level and position self.windowLevel UIWindowLevelStatusBar 1.0f self.frame UIApplication sharedApplication statusBarFrame Create an image view with an image to make it look like a status bar. UIImageView.. view with an image to make it look like a status bar. UIImageView backgroundImageView UIImageView alloc initWithFrame self.frame backgroundImageView.image UIImage imageNamed @ statusBarBackgroundGrey.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 2.0f topCapHeight..

Why is my EAGLVIew not rendering anymore in iOS 4.2?


fullscreen before this it is a little UIVIew calling this method void animateToGrow DNSLog @ grow grow YES oldFrame self.frame oldCenter self.center UIView beginAnimations @ MoveAndStrech context nil UIView setAnimationDuration 0.5 UIView setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState.. @ MoveAndStrech context nil UIView setAnimationDuration 0.5 UIView setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState YES self.frame CGRectMake 0 0 WIDTH HEIGHT self.center CGPointMake CENTER_X CENTER_Y UIView commitAnimations self setupGLPerspectiveNear..

UIView drag (image and text)


CGPoint location aTouch locationInView self.superview UIView beginAnimations @ Dragging A DraggableView context nil self.frame CGRectMake location.x location.y self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height UIView commitAnimations And because all subviews.. UIView beginAnimations @ Dragging A DraggableView context nil self.frame CGRectMake location.x location.y self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height UIView commitAnimations And because all subviews of the DraggableView object will be moved.. @ Dragging A DraggableView context nil self.frame CGRectMake location.x location.y self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height UIView commitAnimations And because all subviews of the DraggableView object will be moved too. So put all your..

Using xib object inside another xib


taken from here self.bounds CGRectMake 0 0 mainView.frame.size.width mainView.frame.size.height CGRect overlay2Frame self.frame overlay2Frame.origin.x round overlay2Frame.origin.x overlay2Frame.origin.y round overlay2Frame.origin.y self.frame overlay2Frame.. self.frame overlay2Frame.origin.x round overlay2Frame.origin.x overlay2Frame.origin.y round overlay2Frame.origin.y self.frame overlay2Frame The other issue I still can't solve. the view in ButtonTest.xib just won't get bigger to match the other view...

UIView subclass with its own XIB


NSStringFromClass ShareView class owner nil options nil objectAtIndex 0 pass properties through theRealThing.frame self.frame theRealThing.autoresizingMask self.autoresizingMask self release self theRealThing retain return self share improve this..

iOS: Positioning navigation bar buttons within custom navigation bar


background image to the navigation bar UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ NavBar.png image drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 self.frame.size.width 60 void layoutSubviews self.frame CGRectMake 0 20 self.frame.size.width 60 @end The only problem now is that.. image UIImage imageNamed @ NavBar.png image drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 self.frame.size.width 60 void layoutSubviews self.frame CGRectMake 0 20 self.frame.size.width 60 @end The only problem now is that the larger navigation bar means that the navigation.. @ NavBar.png image drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 self.frame.size.width 60 void layoutSubviews self.frame CGRectMake 0 20 self.frame.size.width 60 @end The only problem now is that the larger navigation bar means that the navigation bar buttons end up too..

UIView Popup like UIAlertView


else if animationID isEqualToString @ hideAlert if finished self.transform CGAffineTransformMakeScale 1.0 1.0 self.frame originalFrame #pragma mark Touch methods void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event UITouch touch touches.. UIEvent event UITouch touch touches anyObject CGPoint newTouchLocation touch locationInView self CGRect currentFrame self.frame CGFloat deltaX lastTouchLocation.x newTouchLocation.x CGFloat deltaY lastTouchLocation.y newTouchLocation.y self.frame CGRectMake.. self.frame CGFloat deltaX lastTouchLocation.x newTouchLocation.x CGFloat deltaY lastTouchLocation.y newTouchLocation.y self.frame CGRectMake currentFrame.origin.x deltaX currentFrame.origin.y deltaY currentFrame.size.width currentFrame.size.height lastTouchLocation..

How to mask a square image into an image with round corners in the iPhone SDK?
