

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.middle

UINavigationBar not updating on 'back' in landscape


Implementing touch-based rotation in cocoa touch


touch locationInView self current position of touch if touch view self Utility getDistance currentPoint toPoint self.middle ROTATE_RADIUS middle is centre of view Utility getDistance currentPoint toPoint self.middle MOVE_RADIUS will be rotation.. currentPoint toPoint self.middle ROTATE_RADIUS middle is centre of view Utility getDistance currentPoint toPoint self.middle MOVE_RADIUS will be rotation gesture remember state of view at beginning of touch CGPoint top CGPointMake self.middle.x.. self.middle MOVE_RADIUS will be rotation gesture remember state of view at beginning of touch CGPoint top CGPointMake self.middle.x 0 self.initialTouch currentPoint self.initialAngle angleBetweenLines self.middle top self.middle currentPoint self.initialTransform..