

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.font

String length with given font to fit UITextView 2 - The Return


tallerSize CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width kFudgeFactor kMaxFieldHeight CGSize stringSize subString sizeWithFont self.font constrainedToSize tallerSize lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap if stringSize.height self.frame.size.height return self.. CGSize tallerSize CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width kFudgeFactor kMaxFieldHeight CGSize stringSize aString sizeWithFont self.font constrainedToSize tallerSize lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap if it fits just return if stringSize.height self.frame.size.height..

Placeholder in UITextView


0 _placeHolderLabel.lineBreakMode NSLineBreakByWordWrapping _placeHolderLabel.numberOfLines 0 _placeHolderLabel.font self.font _placeHolderLabel.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor _placeHolderLabel.textColor self.placeholderColor _placeHolderLabel.alpha..

How to programmatically add a UINavigationBar and a back button on it


self super initWithFrame frame if self self.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithRed 0.6f green 0.6f blue 1.0f alpha 1.0f self.font UIFont fontWithName @ MarkerFelt Thin size 20 self.contentMode UIViewContentModeRedraw return self void drawRect CGRect.. context 1.0f CGContextBeginPath context NSUInteger numberOfLines self.contentSize.height self.bounds.size.height self.font.leading CGFloat baselineOffset 6.0f for int x 0 x numberOfLines x CGContextMoveToPoint context self.bounds.origin.x self.font.leading.. CGFloat baselineOffset 6.0f for int x 0 x numberOfLines x CGContextMoveToPoint context self.bounds.origin.x self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset CGContextAddLineToPoint context self.bounds.size.width self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset..

self.delegate = self; what's wrong in doing that?


Y width hieght finalText NSMutableString alloc initWithString @ senderObject sender self.textColor UIColor blackColor self.font UIFont systemFontOfSize 17.0 self.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor self.autocorrectionType UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo..

Using custom fonts in interface builder


Then override the awakeFromNib method @implementation CustomFontLabel void awakeFromNib super awakeFromNib self.font UIFont fontWithName @ CustomFontName size self.font.pointSize @end Finally in Interface Builder Identity Inspector change.. CustomFontLabel void awakeFromNib super awakeFromNib self.font UIFont fontWithName @ CustomFontName size self.font.pointSize @end Finally in Interface Builder Identity Inspector change class to CustomFontLabel . share improve this answer..

UITextView ruled line background but wrong line height


self super initWithFrame frame if self self.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithRed 1.0f green 1.0f blue 0.6f alpha 1.0f self.font UIFont fontWithName @ MarkerFelt Thin size 19 return self void drawRect CGRect rect Get the current drawing context CGContextRef.. to draw lines in the empty part of the view NSUInteger numberOfLines self.contentSize.height self.bounds.size.height self.font.leading Set the line offset from the baseline. I'm sure there's a concrete way to calculate this. CGFloat baselineOffset.. x 0 x numberOfLines x 0.5f offset lines up line with pixel boundary CGContextMoveToPoint context self.bounds.origin.x self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset CGContextAddLineToPoint context self.bounds.size.width self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset..

String length with given font to fit UITextView


tallerSize CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width kFudgeFactor kMaxFieldHeight CGSize stringSize subString sizeWithFont self.font constrainedToSize tallerSize lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap if stringSize.height self.frame.size.height return self.. CGSize tallerSize CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width kFudgeFactor kMaxFieldHeight CGSize stringSize aString sizeWithFont self.font constrainedToSize tallerSize lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap if it fits just return if stringSize.height self.frame.size.height..

Custom font in a storyboard?


UILabel TCCustomFont.m #import UILabel TCCustomFont.h @implementation UILabel TCCustomFont NSString fontName return self.font.fontName void setFontName NSString fontName self.font UIFont fontWithName fontName size self.font.pointSize @end UITextField.. @implementation UILabel TCCustomFont NSString fontName return self.font.fontName void setFontName NSString fontName self.font UIFont fontWithName fontName size self.font.pointSize @end UITextField TCCustomFont.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface UITextField.. fontName return self.font.fontName void setFontName NSString fontName self.font UIFont fontWithName fontName size self.font.pointSize @end UITextField TCCustomFont.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface UITextField TCCustomFont @property nonatomic..