

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.fields

Incorrect number of objects getting added to mutable array


textField.tag textField.text reminderInstance.remGroup cell.contentView addSubview textField break default break self.fields addObject textField NSLog @ Fields @ fields return cell Now when I am trying to print the array using the following statement.. in my case I have implemented IBAction save id sender Code for saving entered data using sqlite UITextField fieldOne self.fields objectAtIndex 0 UITextField fieldTwo self.fields objectAtIndex 1 UITextField fieldThree self.fields objectAtIndex 2 UITextField.. sender Code for saving entered data using sqlite UITextField fieldOne self.fields objectAtIndex 0 UITextField fieldTwo self.fields objectAtIndex 1 UITextField fieldThree self.fields objectAtIndex 2 UITextField fieldFour self.fields objectAtIndex 3 UITextField..

Load all cells in UITableView before scrolling


pickerView didSelectRow NSInteger row inComponent NSInteger component switch tagValues case 105 self.textField self.fields objectAtIndex 3 self.textField.text self.reminder objectAtIndex row break case 107 Crash occurring in this case sometimes.. objectAtIndex row break case 107 Crash occurring in this case sometimes its working wonder why self.textField self.fields objectAtIndex 5 self.textField.text self.group objectAtIndex row break Note I am using the same textField for adding as.. UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo NSLog @ Value @ textField.text cell.contentView addSubview textField self.fields addObject textField break case 1 if cell nil cell UITableViewCell alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleValue1 reuseIdentifier..