

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.myarray

How can swap Row at fromIndex to toIndex in UITableView?


NSMutableDictionary dictionary oldDict NSMutableDictionary self.listOfReportField objectAtIndex fromIndexPath.row copy self.myArray removeObject oldDict self.myArray insertObject self.myArray objectAtIndex toIndexPath.row 1 atIndex fromIndexPath.row self.myArray.. NSMutableDictionary self.listOfReportField objectAtIndex fromIndexPath.row copy self.myArray removeObject oldDict self.myArray insertObject self.myArray objectAtIndex toIndexPath.row 1 atIndex fromIndexPath.row self.myArray insertObject oldDict atIndex.. objectAtIndex fromIndexPath.row copy self.myArray removeObject oldDict self.myArray insertObject self.myArray objectAtIndex toIndexPath.row 1 atIndex fromIndexPath.row self.myArray insertObject oldDict atIndex toIndexPath.row Here..

Objective-C: alloc of object within init of another object (memory management)


NSMutableArray myArray My .m file looks basically like this @synthesize myArray id init self super init if self nil self.myArray .... here I want to create an empty array return self void dealloc self.myArray release super dealloc What I'm not sure.. id init self super init if self nil self.myArray .... here I want to create an empty array return self void dealloc self.myArray release super dealloc What I'm not sure about is what do to in the init . 1 self.myArray NSMutableArray alloc init 2 NSMutableArray.. return self void dealloc self.myArray release super dealloc What I'm not sure about is what do to in the init . 1 self.myArray NSMutableArray alloc init 2 NSMutableArray tmp NSMutableArray alloc init self.myArray tmp tmp release Solution 1 doesn't..

Correct syntax for Objective-C init method


@property nonatomic retain NSArray myArray @end @implementation myClass @synthesize myArray id init if self super init self.myArray nil return self ... iphone objective c ios share improve this question As others have stated the instance variable..

Create a for loop to add 39 buttons to an array


the button UIButton button UIButton alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake x y width height Store the button in our array self.myArray addObject button Release the button our array retains it for us button release Of course you are going need to set unique.. x y width height You may want to set button titles here or perform other customizations Store the button in our array self.myArray addObject button Release the button our array retains it for us button release Show the buttons onscreen for UIButton button..