

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.doc

Objective C alloc/release error


data void connection NSURLConnection connection didFailWithError NSError error NSLog @ ERROR with theConenction self.doc release self.conn release self.responseXMLData release void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection NSLog.. valueDefinitionElement addChild sourceElement valueDefinitionElement addChild assignmentElement NSData xmlData self.doc.XMLData NSString theXML NSString alloc initWithBytes xmlData bytes length xmlData length encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding theXML.. @ state goalreached false value PlanKB value goalvariable myGoal goalvariable self.xmlBody theXML theXML release self.doc release NSLog self.xmlBody NSMutableArray variablesForPageID NSString pageID NSMutableArray variables nil if self.responseXMLData..

iPhone SDK: XML mystery, after adding child nodeforXPath returns nothing (found a hacky solution)


path NSString stringWithFormat @ inferenceresponse state variable pageId d valuedefinition pageID NSArray valueElement self.doc nodesForXPath path error nil Now array comes with zero objects new added element NOT found but I can see it in debug as.. root when use the same Xpath querry standart in NSlog I can see that the new element is added to doc. NSData xmlData2 self.doc.XMLData NSString s NSString alloc initWithBytes xmlData2 bytes length xmlData2 length encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding autorelease.. initWithBytes xmlData2 bytes length xmlData2 length encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding autorelease NSLog s Also How can self.doc.XMLData give something different than self.doc nodesForXPath so it fools me to thing my doc is ok but maybe I corrupted..