

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.image

Optimized Image Loading in a UIScrollView


my load and unload operations id initWithOperableImage id OperableImage anOperableImage self super init if self nil self.image anOperableImage return self This is the main method in the load image operation void main image loadImage This is the main..

How to draw a shape on top of a UIImage while respecting the image's alpha mask


0 self.bounds.size.height CGContextScaleCTM context 1.0 1.0 draw the image CGContextDrawImage context self.bounds self.image.CGImage set the blend mode and draw rectangle on top of image CGContextSetBlendMode context kCGBlendModeSaturation CGContextSetRGBFillColor.. context kCGBlendModeSaturation CGContextSetRGBFillColor context 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 CGContextFillRect context rect else self.image drawInRect rect Is there some Quartz drawing mode that I'm forgetting to set I've looked thru the Quartz Programming Guide.. 0.0 self.bounds.size.height CGContextScaleCTM context 1.0 1.0 draw the image CGContextDrawImage context self.bounds self.image.CGImage set the blend mode and draw rectangle on top of image CGContextSetBlendMode context kCGBlendModeColor CGContextClipToMask..

Getting pixel data from UIImageView — works on simulator, not device


UIImageView PixelColor UIColor getRGBPixelColorAtPoint CGPoint point UIColor color nil CGImageRef cgImage self.image CGImage size_t width CGImageGetWidth cgImage size_t height CGImageGetHeight cgImage NSUInteger x NSUInteger floor point.x..

How do I create/render a UIImage from a 3D transformed UIImageView?


mainScreen .scale 2.0 _factor 2.0f else _factor 1.0f UIImageView img UIImageView alloc initWithFrame _rect img.image self.image img.layer renderInContext UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext UIImage source UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext..

iPhone - How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images?


the touches methods to deal with dragging it around and also drawRect void drawRect CGRect rect Drawing code if self.image nil return CGPoint offset scrollView.contentOffset clipRect CGRectOffset self.frame offset.x offset.y UIImage croppedImage..

Upload an image on Facebook via FBConnect


mark FBSession delegate void fbDidLogin NSMutableDictionary params NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys self.image @ picture nil _fbEngine requestWithMethodName @ photos.upload andParams params andHttpMethod @ POST andDelegate self..

Detecting touches on multiple UIImageViews


PositionImageController BOOL isTouched NO void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event if isTouched self.image UIImage imageNamed @ position.png isTouched NO NSLog @ Inactive else self.image UIImage imageNamed @ position_active.png.. withEvent UIEvent event if isTouched self.image UIImage imageNamed @ position.png isTouched NO NSLog @ Inactive else self.image UIImage imageNamed @ position_active.png isTouched YES NSLog @ Active iphone objective c uiimageview share improve this..

iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload


release void imagePickerController UIImagePickerController picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo NSDictionary info self.image info objectForKey UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage imageView.image self.image self.navigationController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated.. NSDictionary info self.image info objectForKey UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage imageView.image self.image self.navigationController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated YES submitButton.enabled YES I then at some point send it to.. request setShouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground YES other post keys values request setFile UIImageJPEGRepresentation self.image 100.0f withFileName NSString stringWithFormat @ d.jpg NSDate date timeIntervalSinceNow andContentType @ image jpg forKey..

Displaying an Image from URL Objective C


connectionWithRequest req delegate self fetchImageConnection retain void setImageFromDisk UIImage img self.image img void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveData NSData data imageData appendData data void connectionDidFinishLoading.. appendData data void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection if connection fetchImageConnection self.image UIImage imageWithData imageData NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter postNotificationName @ imageDownloaded object self activityIndicator..

how to handle tiling of images on the fly


NSURLConnection connection self removeActivityIndicator UIImage tempImage UIImage alloc initWithData responseData self.image tempImage tempImage release self deallocateResources void deallocateResources if serverConnection nil serverConnection..

Upload Image From iPhone to WCF Service


down to NSData and posting off to a WCF Service using the following code NSData imageData UIImageJPEGRepresentation self.image 90 NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ http example.com ImageDiaryService.svc json AddMediaItem ASIFormDataRequest request ASIFormDataRequest..

When does an associated object get released?


else self viewWithTag UIIMAGEVIEW_SPINNER_TAG removeFromSuperview void zsFrameChanged self zsShowSpinner self.image void zsImageChanged self zsShowSpinner self.image BOOL showLoadingSpinner ZSPropertyWatcher imageWatcher ZSPropertyWatcher.. removeFromSuperview void zsFrameChanged self zsShowSpinner self.image void zsImageChanged self zsShowSpinner self.image BOOL showLoadingSpinner ZSPropertyWatcher imageWatcher ZSPropertyWatcher objc_getAssociatedObject self imageWatcherKey return.. initWithObject self keyPath @ frame delegate self callback @selector zsFrameChanged autorelease self zsShowSpinner self.image else Remove the spinner self zsShowSpinner NO objc_setAssociatedObject self imageWatcherKey imageWatcher OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN..

tabbar item image and selectedImage


of applying a grey gradient to them @implementation UItabBarItem CustomUnselectedImage UIImage unselectedImage return self.image @end This may seem like it is using private APIs but I've seen this used multiple times on apps that were approved. It's..

How to get the latest photo in iPhone Library?


if group nil group setAssetsFilter ALAssetsFilter allPhotos group enumerateAssetsUsingBlock assetEnumerator else self.image self getLastImage ALAssetsLibraryAccessFailureBlock failureblock ^ NSError myerror NSLog @ error occour @ myerror localizedDescription..