

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.font.pointsize

Is it possible to alter the letter-spacing/kerning of a font with Cocoa Touch?


UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSelectFont context self.font.fontName cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.font.pointSize kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetCharacterSpacing context characterSpacing CGContextSetFillColorWithColor context UIColor.. draw 1 but invisbly to get the string length. CGPoint p CGContextGetTextPosition context float centeredY self.font.pointSize self.frame.size.height self.font.pointSize 2 2 CGContextShowTextAtPoint context 0 centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding.. string length. CGPoint p CGContextGetTextPosition context float centeredY self.font.pointSize self.frame.size.height self.font.pointSize 2 2 CGContextShowTextAtPoint context 0 centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.text length CGPoint..

Adding custom font on iphone


self setShadowColor textColor self setHighlightedTextColor textColor self setFont UIFont fontWithName @ custom size self.font.pointSize return self @end Thats it you are ready for the custom font on your label. Note For every labels you add on the app that..

How to change an UILabel/UIFont's letter spacing?


UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSelectFont context self.font.fontName cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.font.pointSize kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetCharacterSpacing context 1 CGContextSetFillColorWithColor context UIColor clearColor CGColor.. draw 1 but invisbly to get the string length. CGPoint p CGContextGetTextPosition context float centeredY self.font.pointSize self.frame.size.height self.font.pointSize 2 2 CGContextShowTextAtPoint context 0 centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding.. string length. CGPoint p CGContextGetTextPosition context float centeredY self.font.pointSize self.frame.size.height self.font.pointSize 2 2 CGContextShowTextAtPoint context 0 centeredY self.text cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.text length CGPoint..

iPhone SDK 3.2 and UIAppFonts


Using custom fonts in interface builder


Custom font in a storyboard?


fontName return self.font.fontName void setFontName NSString fontName self.font UIFont fontWithName fontName size self.font.pointSize @end UITextField TCCustomFont.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface UITextField TCCustomFont @property nonatomic copy NSString.. fontName return self.font.fontName void setFontName NSString fontName self.font UIFont fontWithName fontName size self.font.pointSize @end Also downloadable from GIST and also as a single file . Troubleshooting If you run against runtime errors because the..