

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.mapview

iPhone: How to draw line between two points on MapKit?


southWestPoint.y northEastPoint.x southWestPoint.x northEastPoint.y southWestPoint.y free pointArr Display PoluLine self.mapView addOverlay self.routeLine Adding the overlay alone will not render anything on the map. Your MKMapViewDelegate implementation..

How do I determine if a coordinate is in the currently visible map region?


looping through the annotation for Shop shop in self.shops ShopAnnotation ann ShopAnnotation annotationWithShop shop self.mapView addAnnotation ann CGPoint annPoint self.mapView convertCoordinate ann.coordinate toPointToView self.mapView if annPoint.x.. self.shops ShopAnnotation ann ShopAnnotation annotationWithShop shop self.mapView addAnnotation ann CGPoint annPoint self.mapView convertCoordinate ann.coordinate toPointToView self.mapView if annPoint.x 0.0 annPoint.y 0.0 annPoint.x self.mapView.frame.size.width.. shop self.mapView addAnnotation ann CGPoint annPoint self.mapView convertCoordinate ann.coordinate toPointToView self.mapView if annPoint.x 0.0 annPoint.y 0.0 annPoint.x self.mapView.frame.size.width annPoint.y self.mapView.frame.size.height NSLog..

Custom CallOut not displayed correctly in ios6?


mapView didSelectAnnotationView MKAnnotationView view as following order of lines self.selectedAnnotationView view self.mapView addAnnotation self.calloutAnnotation 2 In CalloutMapAnnotationView.m file void adjustMapRegionIfNeeded in this method first.. this line add following lines if self relativeParentXPosition 38 parentX 38 else if self relativeParentXPosition self.mapView.frame.size.width 38 parentX self relativeParentXPosition 25 4 In same class CalloutMapAnnotationView.m. void didMoveToSuperview..

Getting the bounds of an MKMapvIew


mySearchLocation.searchLocation.coordinate region.span.longitudeDelta 0.01f region.span.latitudeDelta 0.01f self.mapView setRegion region animated YES After the new search location has been added to the map and the map zoomed we need to update.. zoomed we need to update the search bounds First we need to calculate the corners of the map CGPoint se CGPointMake self.mapView.bounds.origin.x mapView.bounds.origin.y CGPoint nw CGPointMake self.mapView.bounds.origin.x mapView.bounds.size.width mapView.bounds.origin.y.. corners of the map CGPoint se CGPointMake self.mapView.bounds.origin.x mapView.bounds.origin.y CGPoint nw CGPointMake self.mapView.bounds.origin.x mapView.bounds.size.width mapView.bounds.origin.y mapView.bounds.size.height NSLog @ points are se @ nw..

How to add more details in MKAnnotation in iOS


annotation NSString identifier @ CustomMapAnnotation CustomMapAnnotationView newAnnotationView CustomMapAnnotationView self.mapView dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier identifier if nil newAnnotationView newAnnotationView CustomMapAnnotationView..

How do I zoom an MKMapView to the users current location without CLLocationManager?


this put this code in viewDidLoad of your ViewController or anywhere in the place where your map view is initialized. self.mapView.userLocation addObserver self forKeyPath @ location options NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context.. void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context if self.mapView showsUserLocation self moveOrZoomOrAnythingElse and of course you can use here old and new location values This code works..

iPhone: Create MKAnnotation


to add your annotation to the map MyAnnotation annotation MyAnnotation alloc initWithCoordinate coordinate autorelease self.mapView addAnnotation annotation If you wan't a title and subtitle on the annotation callout you need to add the title and subtitle..

How to add a push pin to a MKMapView(IOS) when touching?


initWithTarget self action @selector handleLongPress lpgr.minimumPressDuration 2.0 user needs to press for 2 seconds self.mapView addGestureRecognizer lpgr lpgr release Then in the gesture handler void handleLongPress UIGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer.. if gestureRecognizer.state UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan return CGPoint touchPoint gestureRecognizer locationInView self.mapView CLLocationCoordinate2D touchMapCoordinate self.mapView convertPoint touchPoint toCoordinateFromView self.mapView YourMKAnnotationClass.. return CGPoint touchPoint gestureRecognizer locationInView self.mapView CLLocationCoordinate2D touchMapCoordinate self.mapView convertPoint touchPoint toCoordinateFromView self.mapView YourMKAnnotationClass annot YourMKAnnotationClass alloc init annot.coordinate..

How to set accuracy and distance filter when using MKMapView


0.0f 0.0f 0.0f region.center newLocation.coordinate region.span.longitudeDelta 0.15f region.span.latitudeDelta 0.15f self.mapView setRegion region animated YES Put that on the delegate. MKMapView doesn't have a distance or accuracy filter only the CLLocationManager.. oldLocation NSLog @ newLocation @ newLocation.timestamp NSLog @ last map location @ NSString stringWithFormat @ @ self.mapView userLocation location timestamp and I'm getting different values on each. It looks as if MKMapView uses its own CLLocationManager..

MKAnnotationView - Lock custom annotation view to pin on location updates


CurrentLocationAnnotation alloc initWithCoordinate coords andTitle @ My Title andSubtitle @ My subtitle self.mapView addAnnotation self.currentLocationAnnotation self.mapView setRegion region animated true self.mapView regionThatFits region.. coords andTitle @ My Title andSubtitle @ My subtitle self.mapView addAnnotation self.currentLocationAnnotation self.mapView setRegion region animated true self.mapView regionThatFits region else UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration.. @ My subtitle self.mapView addAnnotation self.currentLocationAnnotation self.mapView setRegion region animated true self.mapView regionThatFits region else UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.45 UIView setAnimationCurve..