

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.movieplayercontroller

Properly displaying and dismissing fullscreen MPMoviePlayerController in iOS 3.2 (iPad)


addObserver self selector @selector didFinishPlayback name MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification object nil self.moviePlayerController setContentURL someExistingURL self is a UIViewController subclass and is presented as a fullscreen modal view controller.. removed when the user presses done that is removed from the view hierarchy . Not sure when where to do this. self.moviePlayerController.view.frame self.view.frame self.view addSubview self.moviePlayerController.view self.moviePlayerController setFullscreen.. hierarchy . Not sure when where to do this. self.moviePlayerController.view.frame self.view.frame self.view addSubview self.moviePlayerController.view self.moviePlayerController setFullscreen YES animated YES And here is the code for my didFinish callback void didFinishPlayback..

Disable AirPlay with MPMoviePlayerController


working fine however I wish to remove all AirPlay functionality. To be sure I specifically disable AirPlay like so if self.moviePlayerController respondsToSelector @selector setAllowsAirPlay self.moviePlayerController.allowsAirPlay NO However even with this code I.. I specifically disable AirPlay like so if self.moviePlayerController respondsToSelector @selector setAllowsAirPlay self.moviePlayerController.allowsAirPlay NO However even with this code I still see the AirPlay icon on the video controls. If I select this and select..

iPhone cannot rotate movie to landscape mode using MPMoviePlayerViewController


fileURL NSURL fileURLWithPath filepath MovieViewController is just a simple subclass of MPMoviePlayerViewController self.moviePlayerController MovieViewController alloc initWithContentURL fileURL full screen code. self.moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setScalingMode.. self.moviePlayerController MovieViewController alloc initWithContentURL fileURL full screen code. self.moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setScalingMode MPMovieScalingModeFill self.moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setFullscreen TRUE NSNotificationCenter.. fileURL full screen code. self.moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setScalingMode MPMovieScalingModeFill self.moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setFullscreen TRUE NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self selector @selector moviePlaybackComplete..