

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.contentview

Iphone Application:-My Application Crash


UIColor blueColor Minutes.font UIFont fontWithName @ Arial size 14.0 Minutes.textAlignment NSTextAlignmentLeft self.contentView addSubview imgview self.contentView addSubview Name self.contentView addSubview ScreenName self.contentView addSubview Minutes.. UIFont fontWithName @ Arial size 14.0 Minutes.textAlignment NSTextAlignmentLeft self.contentView addSubview imgview self.contentView addSubview Name self.contentView addSubview ScreenName self.contentView addSubview Minutes self.contentView addSubview LastTweet.. 14.0 Minutes.textAlignment NSTextAlignmentLeft self.contentView addSubview imgview self.contentView addSubview Name self.contentView addSubview ScreenName self.contentView addSubview Minutes self.contentView addSubview LastTweet self.contentView addSubview..

iPhone + UITableView + place an image for separator


UITableViewStylePlain reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier icon UIImageView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 5 5 40 40 self.contentView addSubview icon primaryLabel UILabel alloc init primaryLabel.font TITLE_FONT self.contentView addSubview primaryLabel return.. CGRectMake 5 5 40 40 self.contentView addSubview icon primaryLabel UILabel alloc init primaryLabel.font TITLE_FONT self.contentView addSubview primaryLabel return self void setItem Item item self.primaryLabel.text item name self.icon setImage item imageName..

Horizontal UIScrollView inside a UITableViewCell


YES scrollView setBounces YES scrollView setScrollEnabled YES scrollView setDelegate self self.contentView addSubview scrollView scrollView release pageControl UIPageControl alloc initWithFrame CGRectZero pageControl setNumberOfPages.. initWithFrame CGRectZero pageControl setNumberOfPages previews count pageControl setBackgroundColor UIColor grayColor self.contentView addSubview pageControl pageControl release return self note I'm populating previews with dummy data here just in order to..

Prevent indentation of UITableViewCell (contentView) while editing


change context void context NSLog @ observed value for kp @ changed @ keyPath change if keyPath isEqual @ frame object self.contentView CGRect newFrame self.contentView.frame CGRect oldFrame change objectForKey NSKeyValueChangeOldKey CGRectValue NSLog @ frame.. @ observed value for kp @ changed @ keyPath change if keyPath isEqual @ frame object self.contentView CGRect newFrame self.contentView.frame CGRect oldFrame change objectForKey NSKeyValueChangeOldKey CGRectValue NSLog @ frame old @ new @ NSStringFromCGRect.. CGRectValue NSLog @ frame old @ new @ NSStringFromCGRect oldFrame NSStringFromCGRect newFrame if newFrame.origin.x 0 self.contentView.frame oldFrame add the cell as an observer for frame changes somewhere in initialization self.contentView addObserver self..

how to display test IAd banner in the simulator


else bannerFrame.origin.y contentFrame.size.height UIView animateWithDuration animated 0.25 0.0 animations ^ self.contentView.frame contentFrame self.contentView layoutIfNeeded _bannerView.frame bannerFrame For More Detail Please refer this link..

iPhone: How to allow multiple selection in tabelview for a custom cell?


cell self UIImage cry UIImage APP_CRYSTAL_SELECT self.leftImage UIImageView alloc initWithImage cry autorelease self.contentView addSubview leftImage And the selected method is void setSelected BOOL selected animated BOOL animated super setSelected.. BOOL selected animated BOOL animated super setSelected selected animated animated if selected NSArray subviews self.contentView subviews for UIView view in subviews if view isEqual self.leftImage self.leftImage setHighlightedImage UIImage APP_CRYSTAL_SELECTED.. if view isEqual self.leftImage self.leftImage setHighlightedImage UIImage APP_CRYSTAL_SELECTED else NSArray subviews self.contentView subviews for UIView view in subviews if view isEqual self.leftImage self.leftImage setHighlightedImage UIImage APP_CRYSTAL_SELECT..

View Controllers: How to switch between views programmatically?


view typically from a nib. void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad ViewControllerA vcA ViewControllerA alloc initWithNib self.contentView addSubview vcA.view cvA release By the way the initWithNib method looks like this id initWithNib Load the view nib if self..

steps for creating UIScrollView with Interface Builder


content view. In your view controller's viewDidLoad do this void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.view addSubview self.contentView UIScrollView self.view .contentSize self.contentView.frame.size In your view controller's viewDidUnload do this void viewDidUnload.. do this void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.view addSubview self.contentView UIScrollView self.view .contentSize self.contentView.frame.size In your view controller's viewDidUnload do this void viewDidUnload self.contentView nil super viewDidUnload ..