

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.datepicker

iphone SDK: How to implement a modal date picker?


delegate @end class @implementation DatePickerController void loadView self.view UIView alloc init autorelease self.datePicker UIDatePicker alloc init autorelease self.view addSubview self.datePicker UIButton button UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeRoundedRect.. self.view UIView alloc init autorelease self.datePicker UIDatePicker alloc init autorelease self.view addSubview self.datePicker UIButton button UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeRoundedRect button setTitle @ Done forState UIControlStateNormal button.center..

Bottom pop-up UIPicker?


Here's animation code that I use void animateDatePicker BOOL show CGRect screenRect self.frame CGSize pickerSize self.datePickerView sizeThatFits CGSizeZero CGRect startRect CGRectMake 0.0 screenRect.origin.y screenRect.size.height pickerSize.width.. CGRectMake 0.0 screenRect.origin.y screenRect.size.height pickerSize.height pickerSize.width pickerSize.height self.datePickerView.frame pickerRect self.backgroundColor UIColorMakeRGBA 64 64 64 0.7f int show 0.7f if show self.datePickerView.frame.. self.datePickerView.frame pickerRect self.backgroundColor UIColorMakeRGBA 64 64 64 0.7f int show 0.7f if show self.datePickerView.frame startRect self.parentViewController addSubviewToWindow self UIView beginAnimations nil context nil UIView setAnimationDuration..

Code for alert action of UILocalNotification


for alert action of UILocalNotification UILocalNotification notif cls alloc init notif.fireDate self.datePicker date notif.timeZone NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone notif.alertBody @ Did you forget something notif.alertAction @ Show me if..

Incorrect number of objects getting added to mutable array


UIImage imageNamed @ reminderbutton.png textField.placeholder @ Click here to set date and time textField.inputView self.datePicker textField.text reminderInstance.Date textField.tag 103 cell.contentView addSubview textField break case 3 NSString cellIdentifierD..

Load all cells in UITableView before scrolling


and time self.textField setValue UIColor purpleColor forKeyPath @ _placeholderLabel.textColor textField.inputView self.datePicker textField.text reminderInstance.Date textField.tag 103 NSLog @ Value @ textField.text cell.contentView addSubview textField..