

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:47

iphone Programming Glossary: self.city

How to use JSONValue with NSMutableArray


theResponse error theError NSMutableString string NSString alloc initWithData data encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding self.city NSMutableArray arrayWithArray string componentsSeparatedByString @ JSONValue And here is JSON text kanji_name u30ac u30fc.. u30ac u30fc u30c7 u30f3 u30d5 u30a3 u30fc u30eb u30ba u3000 u3068 u306d u308a u516c u5712BigBell It reports in self.city line What should I do Yeah I completely fix it Here is My fix code NSError theError nil NSMutableURLRequest request NSMutableURLRequest.. @ kanji_name NSMutableString text NSMutableString alloc init text appendFormat @ @ jsonArray objectAtIndex 0 self.city NSMutableArray arrayWithObject text iphone json ios4 sdk share improve this question A couple of questions will be..