

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.data

Downloading a Large File - iPhone SDK


@ self.urlString DELEGATE_CALLBACK dataDownloadFailed reason return self.isDownloading YES Create the new data object self.data NSMutableData data self.response nil self.urlconnection scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSRunLoopCommonModes.. nil self.urlconnection scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSRunLoopCommonModes void cleanup self.data nil self.response nil self.urlconnection nil self.urlString nil self.isDownloading NO void connection NSURLConnection connection.. void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveData NSData theData append the new data and update the delegate self.data appendData theData if self.response float expectedLength self.response expectedContentLength float currentLength self.data.length..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


handle the connection as follows void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveResponse NSURLResponse response self.data setLength 0 void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveData NSData d self.data appendData d void connection NSURLConnection.. NSURLResponse response self.data setLength 0 void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveData NSData d self.data appendData d void connection NSURLConnection connection didFailWithError NSError error UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle NSLocalizedString.. show void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection NSString responseText NSString alloc initWithData self.data encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding Do anything you want with it responseText release Handle basic authentication challenge if..

iOS4 Implementation of -[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:]?


connection didFailWithError NSError error UIApplication sharedApplication .networkActivityIndicatorVisible NO self.data nil if handler queue addOperationWithBlock ^ handler response nil error void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection..

Stop the touchstart performing too quick when scrolling


it works 'div a span' .filter ' tappable data tappable role ' .bind 'touchstart' function var self this self.addClass self.data 'tappable role' .bind 'touchend' function var self this self.removeClass self.data 'tappable role' .bind 'click' function.. var self this self.addClass self.data 'tappable role' .bind 'touchend' function var self this self.removeClass self.data 'tappable role' .bind 'click' function var self this goTo self.data 'goto' if typeof goTo 'undefined' window.location goTo.. 'touchend' function var self this self.removeClass self.data 'tappable role' .bind 'click' function var self this goTo self.data 'goto' if typeof goTo 'undefined' window.location goTo When scrolling it will assign the class to the element when I've..