

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.delegate

Types in objective-c on iPhone


How to intercept click on link in UITextView?


MyApplication UIApplication @end @implementation MyApplication BOOL openURL NSURL url if self.delegate openURL url return YES else return super openURL url @end You will need to implement openURL in your..

How can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?


release delegate release super dealloc void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event if self.delegate return CGPoint touchPoint event touchesForView self anyObject locationInView self CGFloat dotSpanX self.numberOfPages.. if x 0 x dotSpanX y 0 y dotSpanY return self.currentPage floor x kDotDiameter kDotSpacer if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector pageControlPageDidChange self.delegate pageControlPageDidChange self @end..

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?


id sender Our delegate method is optional so we should check that the delegate implements it if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector childViewController didChooseValue self.delegate childViewController self.. implements it if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector childViewController didChooseValue self.delegate childViewController self didChooseValue self.slider.value @end In the parent view controller's header..

Testing CoreLocation on iPhone Simulator


powellsTech CLLocation alloc initWithLatitude 45.523450 longitude 122.678897 autorelease self.delegate locationManager self didUpdateToLocation powellsTech fromLocation powellsTech @end #endif TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR..

Call a parent view controller (through a navigationcontroller)


controller .m file @implementation ChildViewController @synthesize delegate to call parent method self.delegate parentMethodThatChildCanCall In parent view controller .h file @interface parentViewController ChildViewControllerDelegate..

Types in objective-c on iPhone


How to intercept click on link in UITextView?


UIApplication and overwriting the BOOL openURL NSURL url @interface MyApplication UIApplication @end @implementation MyApplication BOOL openURL NSURL url if self.delegate openURL url return YES else return super openURL url @end You will need to implement openURL in your delegate. Now to have the application start with your new subclass..

How can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?


void dealloc dotColorCurrentPage release dotColorOtherPage release delegate release super dealloc void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event if self.delegate return CGPoint touchPoint event touchesForView self anyObject locationInView self CGFloat dotSpanX self.numberOfPages kDotDiameter kDotSpacer CGFloat dotSpanY kDotDiameter..

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?


@implementation ChildViewController void handleCloseButton id sender Our delegate method is optional so we should check that the delegate implements it if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector childViewController didChooseValue self.delegate childViewController self didChooseValue self.slider.value @end In the parent view.. method is optional so we should check that the delegate implements it if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector childViewController didChooseValue self.delegate childViewController self didChooseValue self.slider.value @end In the parent view controller's header file declare that it implements the ChildViewControllerDelegate..

Testing CoreLocation on iPhone Simulator


Call a parent view controller (through a navigationcontroller)


id ChildViewControllerDelegate delegate In your child view controller .m file @implementation ChildViewController @synthesize delegate to call parent method self.delegate parentMethodThatChildCanCall In parent view controller .h file @interface parentViewController ChildViewControllerDelegate In parent view controller .m file after..

Optimizing CLLocationManager/CoreLocation to retrieve data points faster on the iPhone


distanceTimeDelta newLocation.timestamp timeIntervalSinceDate oldLocation.timestamp Send the update to our delegate self.delegate newLocationUpdate currentLocation If you have a iPhone 3GS getting Heading updates is a lot easier here's the code in the..

UITextField: move view when keyboard appears


CGSize delta CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width oldFrame.size.width self.frame.size.height oldFrame.size.height if self.delegate self notifySizeChanged delta notification notification void keyboardWillHide NSNotification notification if self.frame.size.height.. retrieveFrameFromNotification notification CGSize delta CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width self.frame.size.height if self.delegate self notifySizeChanged delta notification notification self.frame CGRectZero void retrieveFrameFromNotification NSNotification.. NSTimeInterval duration info objectForKey UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey getValue duration void ^action void ^ self.delegate keyboardSizeChanged delta UIView animateWithDuration duration delay 0.0 options curve animations action completion..

Types in objective-c on iPhone


How to intercept click on link in UITextView?


openURL NSURL url @interface MyApplication UIApplication @end @implementation MyApplication BOOL openURL NSURL url if self.delegate openURL url return YES else return super openURL url @end You will need to implement openURL in your delegate. Now to have..

Showing login view controller before main tab bar controller


@implementation LoginViewController_Pad @synthesize delegate ... IBAction buttonPressed self.view removeFromSuperview self.delegate loginViewControllerDidFinish self ... @end So the app delegate adds the login view controller's view on launch and waits.. IBAction buttonPressed do NOT removeFromSuperview delegate will dismiss self.view removeFromSuperview self.delegate loginViewControllerDidFinish self iphone ipad uiviewcontroller uitabbarcontroller share improve this question I'd..

How can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?


dotColorOtherPage release delegate release super dealloc void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event if self.delegate return CGPoint touchPoint event touchesForView self anyObject locationInView self CGFloat dotSpanX self.numberOfPages kDotDiameter.. currentBounds if x 0 x dotSpanX y 0 y dotSpanY return self.currentPage floor x kDotDiameter kDotSpacer if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector pageControlPageDidChange self.delegate pageControlPageDidChange self @end share improve..

Downloading a Large File - iPhone SDK


connection finished downloading the data cleaning up self.response nil Delegate is responsible for releasing data if self.delegate NSData theData self.data retain DELEGATE_CALLBACK didReceiveData theData self.urlconnection unscheduleFromRunLoop NSRunLoop..

When does an associated object get released?


void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context self.delegate performSelector self.delegateCallback @end iphone objective c cocoa touch share improve this question The accepted.. NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context self.delegate performSelector self.delegateCallback @end iphone objective c cocoa touch share improve this question The accepted answer to this related question..

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?


void handleCloseButton id sender Our delegate method is optional so we should check that the delegate implements it if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector childViewController didChooseValue self.delegate childViewController self didChooseValue self.slider.value.. that the delegate implements it if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector childViewController didChooseValue self.delegate childViewController self didChooseValue self.slider.value @end In the parent view controller's header file declare that..

Testing CoreLocation on iPhone Simulator


CLLocation powellsTech CLLocation alloc initWithLatitude 45.523450 longitude 122.678897 autorelease self.delegate locationManager self didUpdateToLocation powellsTech fromLocation powellsTech @end #endif TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR share..

Call a parent view controller (through a navigationcontroller)


In your child view controller .m file @implementation ChildViewController @synthesize delegate to call parent method self.delegate parentMethodThatChildCanCall In parent view controller .h file @interface parentViewController ChildViewControllerDelegate..

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl doesn't get back to previous state. (Not dismissing)


add this @implementation BController @synthesize delegate ... void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event self.delegate dismissMe In the AController.h file add this #import BController.h @interface AController UIViewController BControllerDelegate..

Calling a method from another class in Objective C


method from ClassB @end ClassB.m file #import ClassB.h @implementation ClassB @synthesize delegate void whateverMethod self.delegate calculate calling method calculate on ClassA void optionalClassBMethod this is optional to your question. If you also want..