

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.context

How to draw a line inside the fish movement (OpenGLES in iPhone)?


Step 1 I draw a Background Image used GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP . Here is my sample code void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.context EAGLContext alloc initWithAPI kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2 Test NO Test1 NO if self.context NSLog @ Failed to create ES context.. super viewDidLoad self.context EAGLContext alloc initWithAPI kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2 Test NO Test1 NO if self.context NSLog @ Failed to create ES context GLKView view GLKView self.view view.context self.context EAGLContext setCurrentContext.. Test NO Test1 NO if self.context NSLog @ Failed to create ES context GLKView view GLKView self.view view.context self.context EAGLContext setCurrentContext self.context self.effect GLKBaseEffect alloc init GLKMatrix4 projectionMatrix GLKMatrix4MakeOrtho..

Coredata Error “data: <fault>”


request NSFetchRequest alloc init request.entity NSEntityDescription entityForName @ Cave inManagedObjectContext self.context request.predicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ latitude 0 AND longitude 0 NSError error NSLog @ @ self.context executeFetchRequest.. self.context request.predicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ latitude 0 AND longitude 0 NSError error NSLog @ @ self.context executeFetchRequest request error error NSLog @ @ error localizedDescription CoreData should have 9 matching objects and..

Draw a straight line using OpenGL ES in iPhone?


was i tried in my project @synthesize context _context @synthesize effect _effect void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.context EAGLContext alloc initWithAPI kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2 if self.context NSLog @ Failed to create ES context GLKView view.. _effect void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.context EAGLContext alloc initWithAPI kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2 if self.context NSLog @ Failed to create ES context GLKView view GLKView self.view view.context self.context view.drawableDepthFormat GLKViewDrawableDepthFormat24.. if self.context NSLog @ Failed to create ES context GLKView view GLKView self.view view.context self.context view.drawableDepthFormat GLKViewDrawableDepthFormat24 EAGLContext setCurrentContext self.context self setupGL void glkView..