

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.display

NSMutableString appendString generates SIGABRT Error


retain NSMutableString display In the main @implementation BlahViewController @synthesize display void viewDidLoad self.display NSMutableString alloc init void anotherFunction UIButton sender NSString info sender titleLabel text self.display appendString.. self.display NSMutableString alloc init void anotherFunction UIButton sender NSString info sender titleLabel text self.display appendString info I run the code press the UIButton and I get an error. Here's the initial throw Terminating app due to.. that you are calling appendString an instance of some kind of NSArray which obviously won't work. Assuming that self.display appendString info is the actual source of the exception then it is happening because self.display has likely been over released..