

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.datasource

iPhone iOS5 CLGeocoder how to geocode a large (200) set of addresses?


kLongitudeKey nil @ kLongitudeKey is not saved else NSLog @ Address not recognized @ htc objectForKey kAddressKey self.dataSource addObject htc if geocodingCount objectsToGeocode NSLog @ @ self.dataSource self saveGeocoding temp addObject htcDictionary.. @ htc objectForKey kAddressKey self.dataSource addObject htc if geocodingCount objectsToGeocode NSLog @ @ self.dataSource self saveGeocoding temp addObject htcDictionary To test if this is a threading issue I created this method which splits.. I'm trying to build a file with coordinates of addresses and include it with the app geocodingCount 0 self.dataSource NSMutableArray alloc initWithCapacity self.arrayForGeocodingInitialJSON.count 5 haveToEmailInitialResults YES attempt to..

iOS Using NSDictionary to load data into section and rows


section NSMutableArray alloc init dataSource setObject section forKey date section addObject rawItem add your object self.dataSource dataSource Then to get the section title NSArray sections self.dataSource allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector @selector caseInsensitiveCompare.. section addObject rawItem add your object self.dataSource dataSource Then to get the section title NSArray sections self.dataSource allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector @selector caseInsensitiveCompare return sections objectAtIndexPath indexPath.section Then..

How to adjust the hieght of the cell table when loading from the custom cells?


like this. CGFloat tableView UITableView tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath Defination definition self.dataSource objectAtIndex indexPath.row NSString detailString definition.detailString CGSize detailSize detailSize detailString sizeWithFont..

UITableView add cell Animation


method void insertRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray indexPaths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimation animation Example with self.dataSource being a mutable array and your table only having 1 section self.dataSource addObject @ New Item NSIndexPath newIndexPath.. animation Example with self.dataSource being a mutable array and your table only having 1 section self.dataSource addObject @ New Item NSIndexPath newIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow self.dataSource count inSection 0 tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths.. table only having 1 section self.dataSource addObject @ New Item NSIndexPath newIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow self.dataSource count inSection 0 tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObject newIndexPath withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationFade..