

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:45

iphone Programming Glossary: self.assets

Image URL saving


YES Then in my AGIPCAssetsController.m Where the retaining of the image checkmark part void loadAssets count 0 self.assets removeAllObjects AGIPCAssetsController blockSelf self dispatch_async dispatch_get_global_queue DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW..

Wait for assetForURL blocks to be completed


0 for NSURL url in self.assetUrls dispatch_async queue ^ libary assetForURL url resultBlock ^ ALAsset asset self.assets addObject asset dispatch_semaphore_signal sema failureBlock ^ NSError error dispatch_semaphore_signal sema dispatch_semaphore_wait..

How to get the latest photo in iPhone Library?


get ALAsset void ^assetEnumerator ALAsset NSUInteger BOOL ^ ALAsset result NSUInteger index BOOL stop if result nil self.assets addObject result void ^assetGroupEnumerator ALAssetsGroup BOOL ^ ALAssetsGroup group BOOL stop if group nil group setAssetsFilter.. assetsLibrary release To get file date I use this assetURLArray NSMutableArray alloc init for ALAsset asset in self.assets NSDate date asset valueForProperty ALAssetPropertyDate Then I found that the latest image always be the top one of assetURLArray.. Then I found that the latest image always be the top one of assetURLArray so I finally get the latest one like this if self.assets self.assets count ALAsset asset self.assets objectAtIndex self.assets count 1 CGImageRef ref asset defaultRepresentation..